Zhivka Deleva

Director of a refugee center

Main focus: European migration politics

Twitter handle: @zoeydel

Languages: English, German, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovak

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: public speaking skills, european asylum law / europäisches asylrecht, human rights law, migrants rights, migration evolution, migration theories, refugee centers

Services: Talk, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

Being silent about issues that matter helps framing the issue in a way that hurts us. Talk. Bring women into the room.


Currently on maternity leave, enjoying morning runs and late afternoon swimming rounds. Learning spanish and doing a certificate program on the Global Compact for migration. I am actively following student researcb in the field of Migration and Asylum studies. I hold a doctorate in European Policies and Studies and have an extensive experience on issues related to the evolution of migration, migration theories, migrants' rights immigrant integration, including integration policies, monitoring indicators for measurement and standard operation procedures. When not on maternity leave I am a Director of an Emergency Reception Centre in Berlin. I have also been part of different projects that include issues relating to the representation of migrants and refugees. It's been said that I am well-versed with immigrant socio-cultural mediation as a practitioner in the field and as a published researcher, with articles, toolkits and reports in the field of migration studies.