Wiebke Apitzsch

Languages: German, English, Spanish

Country: Germany

Topics: change management, ai ethics, ai and the future of work, changemaker, ai & data science, ai and machine learning

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Data:unplugged warmup Event Hamburg
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Beim Data:unplugged Warmup Event im Panel zu Communities und KI. Szenen vom Panel und Interview am Ende des Videos

This talk is in: German
Kommunikation und Daten
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This talk is in: German
Masterclass: Speak Data to me

Wie bringe ich meine KI Idee in die Welt?

Das Zusammenspiel von IT, Business und Leadership ist entscheidend.

Wie das geht durfte ich beim BigBang Festival weitergeben.

This talk is in: German
Product Engineering und Change
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This talk is in: German