Veronika Thiel


Main focus: Algorithms and society

Twitter handle: @veronikathiel

Languages: English, French, German

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: credit scoring, digitalisation, health, scoring systems, automated decision making systems, medical algorithms, algorithms, public health, poverty alleviation

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

I am keen to investigate the impact of algorithmic decision making in society, particularly as it pertains to social scoring (eligibility for social welfare, early detection and prevention of child abuse, fraud detection) in a neoliberal/small state economic setting.

Furthermore, I am interested in analysing the underlying presumptions of algorithms to investigate their validity and accuracy. There is too much hype and too much snake oil around.

Last but not least, my speciality is public health and health systems, where algorithms have been used for decades to help triage patients and support diagnostics and clinical support mechanisms. There is great potential in the new algorithmic power to improve people's health, but again, too much hype. I like to work with people to understand what algorithms can and cannot do.


14 years' experience in health and social policy research and analysis, with focus on evaluation and data analytics

Experienced public speaker and facilitator (workshops, seminars, group discussions etc)

Strong socio-economic research and evaluation skills (qualitative and quantitative methods), including focus-group facilitation, interviewing, participatory research and co-design, as well as data analysis and visualisation

8 years’ experience in project management, including contract management, delivery of cross-organisational strategies and structural change, trained in Agile Foundation

Practiced producer and writer of reports and policy/advocacy documents