Theresa Enghardt

Main focus: Internet Tech, Bi-Feminism

Twitter handle: @NerdResa


Languages: English, German

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: internet, programming, networking, wireless networks, internet infrastructure


Currently not giving talks.

Theresa studied (telecommunication) computer science and got a PhD in the field of Internet Architectures. She has taught introductory courses in programming and a hands-on course on working with WLAN routers and measurements, as well as given presentations about her research.
She likes to talk about computer systems and their networking implementation (specifically anything Linux-based), performance of networks, and Internet Infrastructure.
On a more basic level, she can explain how the Internet works on a technical level and how a computer connects to the Internet - for people without prior technical knowledge or for people with a background in computer science and programming, but without specific knowledge of computer networking.

Also, she is concerned with feminism, queer/LGBT* topics (specifically bisexuality) and queer feminism.
She has given a workshop on discrimination against bi/pan, and about bisexuality and polyamory, and likes to talk about all topics related to bi- and pansexuality and intersectional feminism.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Which Network to Use When - Socket Intents

Nowadays, most end devices have multiple network interfaces to connect to the Internet. They usually pick a statically configured default interface, such as WiFi, which they prefer over LTE when both are available, but this is not necessarily the choice that provides the best performance to the application. Socket Intents is a research prototype that addresses the problem of finding policies of which network interface to pick for what kind of traffic or application. It provides several networking APIs through which an application can specify its "Intents", i.e., what it knows or assumes about its own traffic. The prototype then decides which of the available network interfaces to use.

This talk is in: English
Networking Basics

Hands-on workshop about how our computers connect to the Internet, how to find out one's IP address and how to reach other computers.

Podcast: Noobcore 006 - Was ist ein Internet?

Podcast über den Aufbau und die grundlegende Funktionsweise des Internets. Zielgruppe: Menschen ohne Vorkenntnisse.

This talk is in: German
Academic teaching: Wireless Networking, C, Java

Courses I have taught at university: Programming in Java and C, hands-on wireless networking and measurement

TechTalk - SSH-Grundlagen

Vortrag darüber, was SSH ist und wie man es benutzt.
Zielgruppe: Studierende mit grundlegenden Informatikkenntnissen

Diskriminierung gegen Bi/Pan

Vortrag und Diskussion über Diskriminierung, die Menschen erfahren, die sich sexuell oder romantisch zu mehr als einem Geschlecht hingezogen fühlen.

„Die will doch nur Aufmerksamkeit“ — Wo Bi/Pan-Feindlichkeit und Misogynie sich überschneiden

Vortrag im Rahmen der Queeren Ringvorlesung der Uni Frankfurt über die beiden Diskriminierungsformen Bi/Pan-Feindlichkeit und Misogynie, und was passiert, wenn beide gleichzeitig wirken.

This talk is in: German