Main focus: recorder, new music, feminism
Twitter handle: @sylviahinz
Languages: English, German, Spanish
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: recorder player, conductor, improvisation, education, feminism, music, artasactivism, interdisciplinarity
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
sylvia hinz - recorder
praised for her equally fierce and bold dramatic performance style, Sylvia Hinz is one of the leading recorder players worldwide, specialised in contemporary music and improvisation.
... studied recorder at the University of Arts Berlin with Gerd Lünenbürger, experimental music with Dieter Schnebel, chamber music with Nigel North,
and conducting / ensemble leading at the BAK Trossingen …
... plays solo recitals, e.g. the sadly unknown or a brief herstory of sound, and concerts with ensembles and orchestras, holds special interest in contemporary music and improvisation, also in unusual instrumental combinations and cooperations with other arts (e.g. painting, literature, sculpture), fosters international collaborations with other musicians, composers, artists in general ... concert trips to e.g. the Netherlands, Argentina, UK, Spain, Mexico, Scotland, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, France, USA, Italy, Chile, Switzerland, Canada, Bosnia, Brazil, Belgium, Iran, Sweden, Finland, Colombia, ...
... solo CD & digital download windserie ...
... Stipendiary of Musikfonds, Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung, Deutscher Musikrat & Fonds Darstellende Künste / Virtual Partner Residency of the Goethe-Institute with Paulo Dantas & Catenation ...
... „artist in residence“ at Comporre il Suono, Oggi (Barcellona Pozzo di Grotto, Sicily, IT) / Artist Residency at Art Omi: Music (Ghent, NY, USA) / Fellow @ CTM HackLab (Berlin, DE) ...
... performance lectures at the New Music Gathering (Baltimore, US) / Carl von Ossietzky University (Oldenburg, DE) / Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, BR) / Festival Mujeres en la Musica Nueva (Bogota, CO) ...
... grand opening with her ensemble UMBRATONO of the Festival de Musica Antigua y Barroca (San Luis Potosi, MX) / opening of the concert series
TonalAtonal (Goethe-Institute, Mexico D.F., MX) ...
... solo recitals at Spectrum (New York, US) / SIRGA festival (Flix, ES) / festival Flutes en Jeu (Lausanne, CH) / festival Specs On! (Berlin, DE) / Temporada de
Conciertos UTEM (Santiago, CL), festival Sonoridades Alternativas (Buenos Aires, La Plata and Chascomus, AR) / Now Hear This! festival (Edmonton, CA) /
Monteaudio: festival internacional de arte sonoro (Montevideo, UR) / FIME -Festival Internacional de Musica Experimental (Sao Paulo, BR) / Festival Sounds
Like THIS (Leeds, UK) / 3rd Tehran Contemporary Music Festival (Tehran, IR) / Gothenburg Fringe Festival (Gothenburg, SE) / Lahti Fringe Festival (Lahti, FI) /
Festival Turbulences Sonores (Montpellier, FR) / Festival Mujeres en la Musica Nueva (Bogota, CO) / 4fakultät #14 (Hamburg, DE) / Unerhörte Musik (Berlin, DE) ...
... performance with her ensemble XelmYa at spahlinger-fest (Chicago, US) / Tonal tonal (Goethe-Institute Mexico, D.F., MX) / Outpost Concert Series
(Riverside, US) / 3rd Tehran Contemporary Music Festival (Tehran, IR) / Festival Mujeres en la Musica Nueva (Bogota, CO) ...
... „ensemble in residence“ with her ensemble XelmYa at Sonic 3.0 festival in Copenhagen, DK ...
... masterclasses at Conservatorio de Musica Gilardo Gilardi (La Plata, AR) / Instituto de la Musica de la Municipalidad (Avenalleda, AR) / Instituto de M sica
Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Santiago, CL) / UFRGS| Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, BR) / Koosha Music Institute (Tehran, IR) ...
... performances, lectures and talks at the conferences Compositional Aesthetics And The Political at Goldsmiths (London, UK) and The Politics
of Performance and Play. Feminist Matters at Leiden University (Leiden, NL) with Dorone Paris / talk at the conference Sounds Human @ Sounds Like THIS
(Leeds, UK) / artist talk via Skype @ Festival Mujeres en la Musica Nueva (Bogota, CL) / artist talk and performance @ conference Improvisation. Philosophical R e-Scriptions (Berlin, DE) / presentation at International Women and/in Musical Leadership Conference (London, UK) / ORDA -Open Recorder Days Amsterdam (Amsterdam, NL) / performance at Integrated 2019 (Antwerp, BE) / Gender Bender (Bangalore, IN) with Shruthi Vishwanath ...
... together with Dorone Paris, she is the founder of ArtEquality: a non-profit organisation and an activist movement for equality and feminism ...
... Vlog with documentation regarding concert trips, collaborations with composers and artists, rehearsals, concerts, etc. / article Considerations of utopia and dystopian futures of music in Riffs Magazine (UK) ...
... cd-productions with e.g. composers Stefan Lienenkaemper (DE) / Nicoleta Chatzopoulou (GR) Ailis Ni Riain (IE) / Marc Yeats (UK), special collaborations and recordings with e.g. John E. Zammitpace (MT) / Anthony Lipari (Thoren, US) / Coma Cluster Void (DE, CA, US) / reanimation orchestra (DE) / Isabel Nogueira (BR) / Catenation (DE) ...
... artistic director of projects like the interdisciplinary membrana with visual artist Carola Czempik / interdisciplinary collaboration on EYEmusic by Aaron Bielish (US) ...
... one of a team of three instrumentalists for the opera-installation FIASKO by K.A.U.& Wdowik and composer Wojtek Blecharz in Berlin, Dresden, Cologne, Warsaw / interdisciplinary performances at PAF -Performing Arts Festival Berlin with “Stadt und Zukunft” (collaboration with Katrin Wittig and Eva Baumann) and GutFeeling (collaboration with OpusXX Orchestra) ...
... in addition to the intense sound research for the instrument recorder, the exploration of new ways with the liaison of sound, electronics, and video art
through the industrial project Catenation / remixes & drones / live performances with Catenation @ SET Festival Tehran & Dampfzentrale Bern & Sound & Vision @ interfilm Berlin ...
... youtube-playlist WOMEN CREATORS as a support for public perception of creative work by women / womxn #visibility ...
founding member of: XelmYa (recorder, violin, oboe) & GlowS (recorder, double bass) & the bewitched project (recorder, percussion) & UMBRATONO (recorder, bass clarinet and others)
... works with many international composers, e.g.: Mathias Spahlinger (DE), Violeta Dinescu (RO), Jeanne Artemis Strieder (DE), Zeynep Gedizlioglu (TR), Tania Sikelianou (GR), Louis Aguirre (CU), Helga Arias Parra (ES), Hideki Kozakura (JP), Matthias Kaul (DE), Luis Mihovilcevic (AR), Makiko Nishikaze (JP), Javier Torres Maldonado (MX), Massimiliano Viel (IT), Sergio Luque (MX), Mohsen Saghafi (IR), Nicoleta Chatzopoulou (GR), Edgar Barroso (MX), Jieun Jun (KR), Gilad Hochman (IL), Katia Tchemberdji (RU), Eckart Beinke (DE), Nuria
Gimenez Comas (ES), David Lesser (UK), Miguel Farias Vasquez (CL), Petra Vermote (BE), Nickos Harizanos (GR), Anette Schluenz (DE), Sergio Sorrentino (IT), Gunnar Karel Masson (IS), Juan Maria Solare (AR), Susanne Stelzenbach (DE), Martin Gaughan (UK), Clio Montrey (CA), Stefan Lienenkämper (DE), Gabriel Iranyi (RO), Idin Samimi Mofakham (IR), Carolyn O‘Brien (US), Kristin Thora Haraldsdottir (IS), Dorone Paris (IL), Nomi Epstein (US), Carola Bauckholt (DE), Mayako Kubo (JP), Jacques Zafra (MX), Lina Tonia (GR), Ludmila Yurina (UA), Marc Yeats (UK), Dario Pino (IT), Alexandros Spyrou (GR), Danilo Comitini (IT),
Gerard Pape (US), Adriana Hoelszky (RO), Ailis Ni Riain (IE), Alejandro Romero Anaya (MX), Francesco Lipari (IT), Julia Seeholzer (US), Michele Abondano (CO), Charlotte Hug (CH), Mina Arissian (IR), Altan Karako (KRD), Catherine Robson (UK), Martyna Kosecka (PL), Rachel C. Walker (US), Shervin Abbasi (IR), Cat Hope (AU), Ben Gaunt (UK), Anna Stereopoulou (GR), Aftab Darvishi (IR), Erik Janson (DE), Ben Lunn (UK), Melissa Vargas (CO), Wojtek Blecharz (PL), Charlotte Seither (DE), Gabriela Areal (AR), St phane Orlando (BE), Tiange Zhou (CN), Paulo Dantas (BR), Tina M. Pearson (CA), Golfam Khayam (IR), Diana Ortiz (CO), Andrew L. Hooker (UK), Maria Eduarda Mendes Martins (BR/CA), Sean Quinn (AU), Elizabeth A. Baker (US), Sarah Angliss (UK), Guadalupe Perales (MX), Peter O'Doherty (UK), ...
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
World premiere of "distant fields" (2014) by Nicoleta Chatzopoulou (Νικολέτα Χατζοπούλου) for recorder solo + tape at Klangwerkstatt 2014