Main focus: Human Machine Interaction
Twitter handle: @SusanneCJBoll
Languages: German, English
City: Oldenburg
State: Lower Saxony
Country: Germany
Topics: human computer interaction, digital health, future of digitization and work, digitization for people, human and automation, intelligent interactive systems
Services: Talk, Workshop management, Consulting, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
I am professor for media informatics and multimedia systems at the University of Oldenburg and board member of OFFIS - Institut für Informatik. I am an expert in the field of Human-Technology Interaction and have been working for many years in the field of everyday penetrating user interfaces, mobile and portable interactive systems. The focus lies on the application of new technologies in the application areas of technologies for personal health, technologies for care, and assistance systems for automated driving. Automation and artificial intelligence play an important role in the interaction between people and technology in an increasingly automated world. I develop interaction technologies that are oriented towards a respectful and beneficial interaction of humans and technology in a future automated world.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
A sequence of statements on business model innovations for small and medium enterprises
Geschäftsmodellinnovationen durch KI: Susanne Boll-Westermann, Universität Oldenburg
Die Automatisierung macht große Fortschritte in vielen Bereichen unseres Lebens. Das prominenteste Beispiel ist das autonome Fahren. Auch in weiteren Bereichen wie in der Produktion, aber auch im Alltag wird sie viele Dinge ändern. Doch was bedeutet das für die Einzelnen? Denn auch wenn die Hoffnungen in die technische Möglichkeiten groß sind wird der Mensch eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dieser Vortrag setzt einen technologiepositiven Akzent und zeigt Potentiale und Wege in der Zusammenarbeit von Mensch und Maschine auf. Beispiel aus Forschung und Entwicklung aus dem Bereich automatisierten Fahrens, Produktion aber auch der Pflege zeigen welche Chancen und Möglichkeiten sich für Mensch und Maschine als Team abzeichnen.
This talk is in: German
he new “wave of AI”, more specifically machine learning and deep learning is currently revolutionizing applications in many domains. One of the early and impressive examples is of course the big leap we see in content analysis of images and image understanding. Machine learning and deep learning techniques are offering their power and potential in many domains from automated driving to health care, from industry 4.0 to regenerative energy. When we talk about AI the term Explainable AI is getting into focus as an important and relevant aspect of AI. A “black box” AI should be able to be understandable and readably by a human, initially such that the results of the AI can be under-stood by human experts.
Humans that are using and affected by AI are of course not experts in AI but everyday individuals in their work life and their personal private daily life. In a life in which AI methods and approaches will be influencing day-to-day actions, our decision-making powers, our control and our freedom, we need to design AI driven systems that are oriented along user, their needs and requirements. We must put them into the position to accept, to understand, to control, and potentially object to AI. We need to make AI first and foremost beneficial to all users. This keynote will look into the challenges of user-centered AI, what this means in different fields of applications and where we need new methods and tools to and put the user in lead in the decades of AI to come.
This talk is in: English
Unter dem Motto "Der Mensch im Zentrum Lernender Systeme" fand vom 5. bis 10. Oktober 2021 die KIT Science Week erstmals statt. Zum Auftakt gingen Professor Holger Hanselka, Präsident des KIT, Thomas Strobl, Stellvertretender Ministerpräsident des Landes Baden-Württemberg, und Gabriele Luczak-Schwarz, Erste Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Karlsruhe, der Frage nach, welche Chancen und neuen Möglichkeiten Künstliche Intelligenz für die Gesellschaft eröffnet. Ein Vortrag der international renommierten Expertin für Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Professorin Susanne Boll von der Universität Oldenburg, rundete das Programm ab.
This talk is in: German