Sarah Steffen

Freelance Agile Coach

Main focus: New Work & Female Founders

Websites/blogs: ,

Languages: German, English

City: Frankfurt/Main

State: Hesse

Country: Germany

Topics: women in tech, digital transformation, new work, freelancing, future of work, female founders, business agility, women and leadership

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Sarah Steffen has been working in software development and IT for 15 years.
As an employee and leading teams of up to 60 people, her career included the gaming industry as well as global corporate IT.

In 2014, however, things got repetitive - transition up the ladder or do her own thing? Sarah jumped right into freelancing and founding. Now, as a freelance agile coach and founder of anything agile, she guides teams and companies in their digital and agile transformation. Sarah is also the co-founder of freelancers & friends, a think tank on freelancing and new work.

Her interests in food and sustainability have culminated in opening and running (and selling) a restaurant in Frankfurt and with her love for learning and sharing she enjoys being a mentor at Founder Institute and a lecturer at several universities.

Sarah is also a mother of two toddlers, and knows about the struggles parents (let's face it: still mostly mothers) face in the workplace as well as with founding and freelancing. That is why she is passionate about working remote, standing together as women and finding the right blend between work and life.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Paneldiskussion Fachtagung des Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Soziales, Arbeit, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung

Podiumsdiskussion „Eine Kultur der Zeitknappheit? – Entwicklung der Frauenerwerbsarbeit“

- Barbara Hagedorn, Geschäftsführerin Hagedorn Unternehmensgruppe,
- Prof. Dr. Isabell Hensel, Leiterin des Fachgebietes Bürgerliches Recht und Arbeitsrecht in der digitalenGesellschaft an der Universität Kassel, Vorsitzende der Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsrechtskommission des Deutschen Juristinnenbundes
- Sarah Steffen, Mitgründerin der Community freelancers & friends, Gründerin des Beratungsunternehmens Anything Agile und Mentorin aus Überzeugung

Women in Tech Night / SEIBERT MEDIA: Heute hier, morgen dort: Als Freiberuflerin in IT und Entwicklung
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Eine Session für (Quer-) Einsteigerinnen in IT und Tech Berufe, in der ich meine Vita teile und im Frageteil sehr offen Tips und Tricks ausgetauscht werden. Im Rahmen der Women in Tech Night von SEIBERT MEDIA in Wiesbaden, in der vor allem junge Berufseinsteigerinnen mit mutmachenden und inspirierenden Vorträgen angesprochen werden sollen, sich die "Männerdomäne" IT zuzutrauen.

This talk is in: German
Startup SAFARI RheinMain - Moderation Paneldiskussion zu Female Entrepreneurship
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Ab ca. 1:27:30 führe ich durch ein Gespräch mit einer Expert:innenrunde zum Thema Female Entrepreneurship. In English.
Key question: what do we as a society need to change to make women feel as comfortable founding a company as men?

This talk is in: English