Oxana Mishina

Quantum Physicist / Science communicator

Main focus: Quantum Science and Technology

Twitter handle: @MishinaOxana

Languages: English, Italian, Russian

City: Trieste

Country: Italy

Topics: quantum information, quantum optics, quantum technology, quantum technology education, ultracold atoms

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


My scientific journey started in Saint-Petersburg (RU), graduating in Nuclear Physics for medical applications and then getting a Ph.D. in Physics and mathematics. Working as a theoretical physicist I modeled quantum technologies (QT) based on atoms in experimental labs at NIB (Copenhagen, DK), and LKB (Paris, FR), and in the theoretical quantum physics group at USAAR (Saarbreucken, DE). Changing the gear to education research I developed a methodology for teaching quantum theory to teacher-students at TUBS (Braunschweig, DE) and collaborated in the PLS program conducting in-service teacher training at UniTS (Trieste, It). Having feet in both physics education and QT research I became a member of the Quantum Flagship coordination and support action (QFlag) where new education-dedicated efforts were on demand. It resulted in a new dedicated coordination and support action project for Quantum Technology Education in Europe (QTEdu CSA) for building a community QTEdu.eu and fostering the creation of new education offers. After the successful conclusion of the project, I a now a member of the new coordination team of the Quantum Flagship (QUCATS CSA) where I provide QTEdu community support, and also work on Equity Diversity and Inclusion directions.

Quantum technologies have revolutionized our society with computers, GPS, digital
cameras, screens, lasers, and radiological medicine! Now we are living in the second
quantum revolution: the birth of quantum computers, quantum communication devices,
quantum sensors, and quantum simulators. They will be faster, more secure, and more
precise, and will address questions we cannot answer yet!

I am honored to be part of this revolution working at the Italian National Institute of Optics (CNR-INO) in Trieste.