Main focus: Telecommunications and Digital Services
Twitter handle: @syrolenka
Languages: English, German, Russian, French
Country: Germany
Topics: women in tech, mobile, degrowth, digital media, digital strategy, mobile web, mobile payment, mobile applications, database, sql, mobile commerce, mobile services innovation, digital communications, sustainability, sustainability transitions
Olga Syraya studied economics and economic informatics at the Belarusian State University for Informatics and Radioelectronics in Minsk/Belarus and Wuppertal University in Germany. She has been tracking the development of international mobile markets, including mobile networks (3G, 4G), mobile Internet, innovative digital services and EU policy measures for the single digital market since 2008.
During her PhD research „Innovation Dynamics in the Mobile Communications Markets: Current Trends, Empirical Analysis and Policy Options“, Mrs. Syraya analysed the adoption of 3G mobile technologies in the OECD countries and dealt with the relevant innovation theories, such as the lead market approach and theory of innovation systems. Mrs. Syraya presented the first results of her analysis at the EIIW Workshop „Digital EU-Integration and Globalisation“ ( in December 2012 and in her discussion paper (
During her almost three-year professional experience at the Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ Mrs. Syraya obtained practical experience in international market research and strategy for SMEs. And thanks to her internship at Vodafone in Düsseldorf, department Mobile Consumer Data, she is familiar with internal workings of an international telecom company.
In addition to her interdisciplinary knowledge and experience in economics and economic policy as well as her multicultural and multilingual competences, Mrs. Syraya is very well familiar with the Oracle Database including SQL and programming in PL/SQL. Besides, she is currently shifting her area of interest towards sustainable alternatives to the current economic system, such as Degrowth, Economy for the Common Good, Transition Towns, Local Currencies etc.