Websites/blogs: ,
Languages: German, English
City: Würzburg
State: Bavaria
Country: Germany
Topics: awareness, community accountability, transformative justice
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
The starting point of my work is the topic of sexualized violence. From there, I work with theoretical references to power and violence relations or systems of oppression, criticism of punishment, abolitionism, trauma and the psychosocial consequences of interpersonal violence. Resource-oriented coping with the experience of violence and the empowerment of those affected are central to the search for collective ways of dealing with (sexualized) violence.
The aim of my educational work is to understand sexualized violence in its structural dimension and to explore approaches to change. In doing so, I refer to the analyses of the approaches of transformative justice and community accountability, among others.
I aim to integrate collective and emancipatory approaches to violence and preventive structures. This leads to new approaches, such as transformative violence prevention, which does not stop at the individual ("perpetrator") when searching for the causes of sexualized violence but extends the focus to the conditions that promote violence, shaped by the social environment, and initiates change in these conditions (more at
Studies: Educational Sciences
Further education: Trauma pedagogy, protection concepts in institutions and voluntary work
Activism: Awareness work, establishing response structures within left-political contexts, facilitating self-organized support groups
I mainly offer workshops and process support for organizations and groups that want to collectively take responsibility/accountability in cases of sexualized violence or seek a common engagement with the topic to prevent violence in their structures. Because every case is different and every structure reacts differently, I adapt the formats to the needs of the organization/group.