Nora Mack

speaker | trainer | expert | coach

Main focus: Leadership, Transformation

Websites/blogs: , ,

Languages: German, English

City: Sankt Florian bei Linz; Vienna

State: Upper Austria

Country: Austria

Topics: innovation & entrepreneurship, leadership & management, healthcare & tech, women & empowerment, transformation & agility

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

beINSPIRED - Speaker | Moderator | &
Focus areas: Leadership - Transformation - Agility

Where does my motivation come from to focus on these topics?
Well, frankly speaking, from who I am.
Being a leader, it nurtures my purpose to encourage & to enable people to tap into their self-empowerment and live their full potential.
Being a networker, it is easy for me to combine the dots, to see the big picture and to arrange for the "right" connections.
Being a designer, i.e. shaping the future, I am convinced, that in times of inner and outer transformation there is the need for "everything":
the attractive future image of a visionary North Star, the agile mindset to get there and the stable framework of clear guidelines.

Take a look & find out what values are important to me - being the founder of NM NoraMack:NeueMöglichkeiten (i.e. NewPossibilities)
& which inspiration my portfolio has in store for you...


beINSPIRED - Speaker | Moderator | &
Expertise & Experience on Leadership - Transformation - Agility

15+years Leadership & 10+ years Management
* Roche Diagnostics GmbH: Chapter Lead Medical & Access (since 12/2023)
* Roche Austria GmbH: Collaboration in a self-organised, cross-functional team (01/2022-11/2023)
* Manager MedTech-Cluster, Business Upper Austria (2013-2021)
* Site Manager Plasma Centre Linz, Baxter AG (2008 - 2009)

* Creative Region Mentoring Programme, focus: Leadership - Transformation - Agility (mentor)
* European Innovation Council (EIC): Women Leadership Programme (mentor)
* Cross-mentoring: platform for young female leaders (mentee and mentor)

* Agile Coach, Agile Team Coach
* Trained coActive Coach, systemic solution-orientated coach
* MSc in Leadership
* MBA in Entrepreneurship
* BSc in Medical Engineering

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Referenzen - beINSPIRED Speakerin | Moderatorin | &

Moderation (in deutscher oder englischer Sprache)

* Roche Science Talk 2023
inkl. PosterPräsentationen, Voting & AwardVerleihung

* Roche Innovation Day 2022 & Roche 125 years festival
inkl. internationaler KeyNote, Pitching Contest & Deep Dive Sessions (in Kooperation mit weXelerate)

* MedTech.Session im Rahmen des OÖ Zukunftsforum 2021
„Der Mensch im Zentrum Künstlicher Intelligenz - Artifical Intelligence (AI) for human support"

* Netzwerk-Veranstaltung im Rahmen des MedTech.Inkubator (Medizintechnik-Cluster & tech2b, 2020)
„How to be a MedTech.Start-Up“

* MedTech.Session im Rahmen des OÖ Zukunftsforum 2019
„Digital Health: Die Medizintechnikbranche in Aufbruchstimmung“

* Kick-Off der Initiative MED-UP – Medical Upper Austria (Medizintechnik-Cluster, 2018)
inkl. Interview-Sequenzen mit namhaften MedTech-Akteuren, einer PodiumsDiskussion mit politischer Besetzung
& einer Co-Moderation mit Axel Kühner, CEO Greiner AG

Referenzen - beINSPIRED Speakerin | Moderatorin | &

Keynotes, Impulse, Panels, ... (in deutscher oder englischer Sprache)

* Learning Nugget Diakonie Akademie: "Neuronen als Kraftquelle für Führung"
* BBA Winterschool: “Die resiliente Führungskraft durch neuroLeadership“
* WomenExcellenceCircle FrauenPower im Management: “neuroLeadership - Ansätze für eine “gehirngerechte“ (Selbst-) Führung.”
* Veranstaltung im Rahmen von Foundation Interreg Europe: „Industry Clusters & Resilience, Focus: MedTech“
* WomenExcellenceCircle FrauenPower im Management: "Digitale Führung – weibliche Chance?”