Noémi Besedes

presenter, TV host, journalist

Main focus: presenter, journalist

Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Hungarian

City: Beerlin, Basel

Country: Germany

Topics: science, moderation, digitalisation, innovation, it, automobile, car industry, event

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.


Noémi Besedes is a professional multilingual emcee and host for (corporate) events, trade shows, award nights and conferences. Noémi offers professional and captivating presentations for any event.

It all started at VIVA Switzerland as a TV presenter for the daily multi-hour live broadcasts. Her interview partners included guests like the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Die Fantastischen Vier, etc., as well as stars like Marc Anthony and Ziggy Marley.

In the meantime, she specializes in the field of events, award shows and trade shows. Her area of expertise as a presenter includes international events with over 10,000 guests, but also smaller events like staff parties, panel discussions and workshops.
The topics range from science, innovation, industry 4.0, digitalisation and car industry to topics about culture, society, stustainability, art, film and music.

Noémi Besedes studied media science, film science and french linguistics at the university of Zurich. In addition she completed acting school at European Film actor School, Zurich.
She speaks High German, Swiss German and Hungarian accent-free. She also speaks English and French with almost no accent and she has good basics in Spanish.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Moderation für Azur Space Solar Power

Moderation des Galababends zum 60. Jubiläum der Firma Azur Space Solapr Power in Heilbronn. Führung der Paneldiskussion und der Interviews auf Deutsch und auf Englisch.

This talk is in: German
Moderationsreel, Moderationsdemoband

Ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus dem Moderationsrepertoire von Noémi Besedes.
Mit Präsentationen und Interviews auf Deutsch, Englisch und französisch.

Google Business Tutorials für Google Schweiz
Video Thumbnail

Ausschnitt aus der mehrteiligen Moderation der Google Business Tutorials für Google Schweiz.
Auf Deutsch mit Teleprompter.

This talk is in: German