Matea Martinovic

Leadership Development

Main focus: Consistent development

Websites/blogs: ,

Languages: English, German, Bosnian, Croatian

City: Vienna

State: Vienna

Country: Austria

Topics: leadership, organisational behaviour, leadership development, hr management, social skills

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

In a BANI world change is consistent. But HOW we deal with it, is the greatest challenge for humankind. We lost our courage to speak up, stand up for others and make different choices than we did in the past. Leadership is present in our private & business life - we just have to acknowledge that we have to take ownership of the problems around us and develop solutions together. Integrate, Enable, Develop - these are the three steps we need in order to move on in an BANI world.


My life had various changes since I started working with 15 years. I was visiting the constructional engineering school and working in sales besides. Through that I developed my communication skills in an early stage. After graduating I moved to Vienna with 21 years and started to study teaching - but found out that this is not what I want to do in life. After working full time as a waitress and than again in sales, I found my purpose in creating & holding workshops for our sales employees with a lot of different topics like personal development, mindset, sales techniques, communication skills and so on. This time I was 24 years, when I started being a trainer. Move forward 6 years, I have earned 4 years of experience as an HR manager, finished my master's degree in Entrepreneurship and started my own consulting company. Now you will find me in an IT company where I am building the leadership development department from scratch to be ready for the future - whatever it will bring us.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

The Power of Organizational Culture on Employee Motivation and Business Success.

BANI World: We need a strong foundation and a stable base of organizational culture and empathy to be able to cope with unpredictable changes in today's world.
Why defining a culture is not enough and how to bring a culture to life.
The role of leadership, empathy & self-reflection in this process.
Autonomy, Power and responsibility as culture to higher employee engagement - a success story. How to get into action & bring the theory into practice.

This talk is in: English