
Mariella Paulino

Main focus: Diversity in Tech

Twitter handle: @MariellaPaulino

Website/blog: mariellapaulino.com

City: Washington DC

Country: United States

Topics: html5, css, diversity, diversity in tech


I create systems and ideas that center on helping people interact better with the world around them. I have worked for the Department of Defense as a Jr Financial Analyst (during government shutdowns and financial freezes which resulted in some of the nastiest (and most fun) Excel sheets I have ever worked on in my life!) and for tech teams like the Georgetown University IT Department where I acted as a Middleware Developer—which is another way of saying “a software developer that can speak human English and translate between developer-talk and user-needs.”

currently working at Code for Progress (CfP) as Operations and Community Organizer. CfP is a non-profit organization that seeks to diversify the tech industry by providing a paid year-long software engineering training program for members of underrepresented communities. Side note: I did the program last year and they loved me so much they decided to hire me. Woop!

Master’s from Georgetown University’s Public Relations and Corporate Communications Program and undergrad from NYU in Politics and Economics. Interested in merging tech, communications, and social impact initiatives. Working on executing two cool apps idea for the differently-abled next year. Accessibility, open source, women of color in tech, strategic communications, community building, and technivism are sexy.

Twitter: @MariellaPaulino | YT: /MariellaPaulino | Email: Mariella at Codeforprogress.org