Main focus: Lettering, Networking
Websites/blogs: , ,
Languages: German, English
City: Bielefeld
Country: Germany
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Why should you build a network of professionals and community people together and how?
Things can start with one person and a thought. In March 2019 this thought grew roots. I am telling the story of the german lettering network "Lettering in Deutschland". How it all started, which obstacles we faced and why became so important to work together: Fighting against copyright violations, creating visability for a niche design and arts field and supporting each other in times of the corona virus.
This talk includes networking techniques and ways to come together that can be used to build any kind of network. Its goal is to inspire and motivate listeners from all over the world to building a national network in their countries to support this trade.
I am now closely working together with three people building up their own network in Panama, the Netherlands and Canada.
Von der Schnapsidee zur nationalen Lettering-Plattform – Marie Pischel erzählt, warum sie das Projekt „Lettering in Deutschland“ ins Leben gerufen hat und die Szene im deutschsprachigen Raum von einem stärkeren Zusammenhalt profitieren kann. Davon, was bisher geschah, wohin die Vision zeigt und wie du daran teilhaben kannst.
This talk is in: German