Lisa Vanovitch


Main focus: Strategies for Cooperation

Websites/blogs: , ,

Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: marketing, film

Services: Talk, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

Smart strategies for collaborations urgently need to be expanded and strengthened in the post-growth economy. It is the best chance for small companies to survive economies of scale and prevail against corporations.


I run 3 media companies - in web design/marketing, the film industry and the book industry. Two of these companies are already audited members of the "Gemeinwohlökonomie" (similar to B Corps).

Our creative agency Vanovi Design specializes in ethical marketing and SMEs, so I have consulted many start-ups and micro-enterprises. I believe that collaborations between them are the key to their financial stability, greater reach and innovation. Our economy is facing increasingly specialized market demand and yet SMEs need to focus on their core competencies. Cooperations future-proof them in this regard. I am the author of the book "Mehr als ein Stück vom Kuchen" and help them address cooperations strategically with our "Bubble Your Hub" initiative.

PS: I grew up bilingually and am therefore absolutely fluent in UK English.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Brauchen wir ein ethisches Marketing?

Vortrag zur Konferenz Sinn.Macht.Gewinn, Berlin - 08/2021

This talk is in: German
Erfolgreich gründen

Vortrag zur Tagung in der Gründerinnenzentrale, Berlin - 06/2022

This talk is in: German
Win-Win-Kooperationen für Coaches und Expert:innen

Tagesseminar der Initiative Bubble Your Hub, Berlin - 06/2022

This talk is in: German
Was ist eine Marketingkooperation und wobei hilft es?

Vortrag mit anschließender Paneldiskussion für die Buchbranche beim Kongress "Blätterkohle" von lesen lokal - 09/2022

This talk is in: German
fempreneurship@htw (Hochschule für Technik & Wirtschaft Berlin)

Vorbild-Unternehmerinnen im Bereich Kommunikationsdesign, Webdesign, Marketing

This talk is in: German