Lilly Amankwah

Journalist and Host

Main focus: Constructive Journalism

Websites/blogs: ,

Languages: German, English

City: Cologne

State: North Rhine-Westphalia

Country: Germany

Topics: podcasts, radio, podcast

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

Politics, Popculture, Social Sciences, Media and Crime from a constrive lense. Always considering perspectives of different communities, sometimes overheard in current societal discourse.


Journalist, Host, Podcaster. Digital on air and on stage.
Experience in Hosting Stages, Events and Panels.

Especially interested in Topics of Global Justice, Constructive Dialoge, Popculture, Music and its extend into our current society and culture.

Currently: Crime, Law and Society, Popculture and News.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Gastauftritt: SWR Projekt Klasse Nachrichten

Schüler gestalten, mit der Unterstützung von Redakteuren des SWR eine Nachrichtensendung. Das Thema der Sendung: Fake News . Als Gast stehe ich den Schülern Rede und Antwort.

This talk is in: German
Gespaltene Gesellschaften: Wie schaffen wir mehr globale Gerechtigkeit?
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Panel-Moderation im Rahmen des Human Rights Film Festival Berlin 2022.
Panel auf Deutsch und Englisch
Neven Subotić, Neven Subotic Stiftung
Florian Westphal, Save the Children
Njoki Njehu, Feministin und Aktivistin
Selmin Çalışkan, Expertin für Menschenrechte und Internationale Kooperation

This talk is in: German
b° future festival 2023: Hannah Storm – Breaking news, not breaking news gatherers
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Stage Host for the International B°Future Festival Bonn.
Welcolming Hannah Storm - A Key Note Speaker on Stage and leading the discussion just after the Key Note Speech.

This talk is in: English
b° future festival 2023: Navigating Complexity – Climate Reporting for Engaged Audiences
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Stage Host at the B°Future Festival in Bonn. Introducing the Panelists on Stage.

b° future festival 2023: Nic Newman Anita Zielina – What’s behind news fatigue and what can we do?
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Stage Host at the B°Future Festival. Welcoming Nic Newmann and Anita Zielina on Stage for their Fire Side Chat.

This talk is in: English