Lea Luisa Strasburger

Journalist & Political Scientist

Main focus: Sustainability, Cyber & Tech

Websites/blogs: https://www.lealuisatalks.com/ , https://www.linkedin.com/in/lea-luisa-strasburger-24073584/

Languages: English, German

Country: United Kingdom

Topics: integration, security, women's empowerment, mena region, cyber security, sustainability, conflict, crisis regions

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

Lea Luisa is an independent journalist, host and political advisor with a strong background in diplomacy & cyber topics. She lived several years in the MENA region.


With several years of experience in foreign policy, humanitarian aid organizations and media - working for Germany’s most prominent broadcaster (ARD) - it is an absolute necessity to bring experts and decisions makers together from all over the world on one table to discuss the important topics of tomorrow!

I spent several years in the MENA region studying Conflict Resolution and Counter-Terrorism at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy in Israel focusing on Negotiation Strategies & Decision Making Processes in Conflict. During this time I worked with think tanks and humanitarian aid organizations.

Directly after my studies I worked as the Global Agenda Officer at the Israeli Embassy in Germany (2015-2017). It was in the time of the big immigration wave to Germany from Syria, Iraq etc. During this time, I acted as an interface between humanitarian aid organisations from the MENA region (IsraAid Luftbrücke Iraq - flying out Yesidic, Israeli Flying Aid and others), government representatives and ministries. Met with relevant government representatives from the and advising German ministries (Foreign/ Interior/ Refugee and other)  how to handle the big influx of people. Organized and participated consultations at the highest political level - including FirstCyber Consultations 2017, G2G Consultations 2016.

I am an active part of Women in International Security Germany and different water projects.

I hold a Master in Public Policy from the Hertie School in Government in Berlin. Today I facilitate panel discussions, working as an independent TV & event host partnering with Think Tanks, Political institutions, NGOs, and Companies. I am half German, half Dominican and live in Hamburg, Berlin, Tel Aviv and Geneva.

As a journalist, moderator and speaker, I have worked with clients including:

Microsoft #DigiLounge (2021,2022) / Mercedes Benz Fashion Week (2022) / BMAS Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (2022) / R+V Insurance #MissionMiteinander (2021, 2022) / ARD (2020, 2021) / ILO International Labour Organisation (2019) / GLORIA Center (2012, 2013) and others

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

EJA Delegation to Auschwitz 2022 - European Parliament

Annual European Jewish Association delegation to Auschwitz-Birkenau with a 2 day Symposium, with 90 delegates from the European Parliament including President Roberta Metzola and Prime Ministers (commissioned by the European Parliament).

This talk is in: English
Mercedes Benz Fashion Week x Fashion Revolution 2022
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The theme for this year’s Fashion Revolution Week is MONEY FASHION POWER. The mainstream fashion industry is built upon the exploitation of labour and natural resources. Wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few, and growth and profit are rewarded above all else. Big brands and retailers produce too much too fast, and manipulate us into a toxic cycle of overconsumption. As Russia's attack on Ukraine intensifies, fashion month presentations hold a deeper symbolism. As Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks overlapped with the invasion, we’re reminded of how global crises can refigure our relationship to clothing. As global citizens, we all have the power to take action. Now is the time to rise up together for a regenerative, restorative and revolutionary new fashion system.

This talk is in: English
100 Jahre R+V | MissionMiteinander Tour | Integration | Wiesbaden *live*
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Jeden Tag kommen derzeit Tausende Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine nach Deutschland. Alle wollen helfen: von Privatpersonen, Kommunen, Kleinstunternehmen bis zum Weltkonzern. Auch die R+V hilft. Wie und wo sie genau unterstützt, aber auch auf welche Hürden sie dabei stößt, das wollen wir am 06.04.2022 um 15:00 Uhr im Tiny House on Tour zu Gast in Wiesbaden besprechen.

This talk is in: German
DigiLounge // Digitale grüne Welle? Nachhaltigkeit als Technologieherausforderung

Zwar werden unsere digitalen Technologien immer effizienter und stoßen weniger CO2 aus (zum Beispiel) viele Prozesse und Lieferketten werden optimiert. In hCorona werden Flüge und Reisen werden durch digitale Meetings ersetzt. Doch genauso schnell werden Ersparnisse überkompensiert, durch immer mehr Dienste und sowas die 4. Industrielle Revolution oder Internet of Things (IOT). Es geht also nicht nur um Kühlschränke die selbst Weißwein nachbestellen, sondern um die totale Digitalisierung des produzierenden Gewerbes!
Ein Kampf der Giganten: zwischen Ökologie und Wachstum! Geht das überhaupt ökologisches Wachstum?

Zu Gast aus dem Bundestag: Robin Mesarosch(SPD) , Tabea Rößner (Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen) und Carina Konrad (FDP)

This talk is in: German