Main focus: Hub for Social and Computer Science.
Twitter handle: @lauralindal
Languages: English, German
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: intersectionality, computer science, rails girls, feminism, programming, machine learning, data science
Bachelor in Cultural Anthropology, second Bachelor in Computer Science. I'm now working towards a M.Sc. in Media and Computer Science. Former organizer of Rails Girls Berlin and eurucamp2015. Bringing social analysis into technology.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Keynote at EuRuKo 2019
While machines continue to learn with more sophisticated algorithms and larger amounts of data, humans need to understand how such learning works in order to take its results with the proper grain of salt. Let's make ML tangible and thus help you become a better machine teacher! With degrees in both social and computer science, mediating between the two fields is how I spend most of my time.
This talk is in: English
"Diversity" is one of those buzzwords that alternates between being supercharged and sadly hollow. While many tech companies like to boast about their diversity programs, the numbers regarding their employees don't change much. But that's no reason to give up on the concept of diversity just yet! However, we need to re-examine what actually constitutes this term in order to make it sustainable: Diversity is more than hiring a few "different" people, it's about empowering oneself and others to create positive change.
This talk will give back some meaning to the term diversity while illustrating why it's still important. There will be some interaction, some tangible examples and more than a few cats to help you through the more challenging parts of theories and self-reflection.
This talk is in: English
Ein Vortrag im Rahmen des MINT-Slam auf der Ideenexpo 2015. Ziel: Frauen und Maedchen fuer technische Berufe begeistern.
Ganzer Vortag:,ideenexpo1458.html
Vortrag & Paneldiskussion auf der Media Convention im Rahmen der re:publica 2016).
Im Rahmen des Netzpolitischen Abends in der c-base habe ich das Projekt Rails Girls in Berlin vorgestell und erklärt, aus welchen Gründen es Initiativen für mehr Diversität in der IT gibt. Darüber hinaus wir der Begriff des Empowerments auf unser Projekt bezogen.
Ein-Tages Workshop:
Woher kommen Computer, und wer steckt dahinter? Was hat es mit all den Einsen und Nullen auf sich? Wie kann ich mich mit meinem Computer unterhalten, ohne die Maus zu benutzen? Wie kann ich selbst Programme schreiben oder eine Webseite erstellen? Dieser Workshop bietet eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Computerei, mit praktischen Übungen und Raum zum selbstständigen Lernen.