Main focus: Leadership Competencies
Twitter handle: @kittie613
Websites/blogs: ,
Languages: English, German, Hungarian
City: Vienna
State: Vienna
Country: Austria
Topics: leadership coaching, leadership, young leaders, new ways of working (neue arbeitswelt)
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
As our ways of working are changing rapidly, our leadership style and competencies need to be adapted accordingly. In the New World of Work, emerging young leaders need to face challenges, which were not tackled before.
At the moment, I am finishing my master studies in Digital Business Innovation and Transformation - my main focus is on leadership competencies that are needed for young leaders in the New World of Work. I hold certificates as a Digital Officer and Innovation Risk Manager as well. With the double degree programme I have completed two bachelor degrees simultaneously and gained valuable work experience in different countries, in different industries. I am interested in HR and experience management, especially connecting these topics with digitalization and transformation & change management. I like to innovate and offer digital solutions to customer journey problems. What is always a common ground in all of these topics? The leaders that employees need.
My mother tongue is Hungarian but I am also fluent in English and German thanks to my international education and work life.