Katharina Meyer

Main focus: Digital Culture&Technologies

Twitter handle: @KthrnMeyer

Website/blog: www.rootkate.com

Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: open source, funding

Services: Talk, Moderation, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Katharina Meyer is trained as historian of technology and arts+media administration and curates knowledge and exhibition. At STATE Festival and re: publica, she coordinates all activities in the fields of science & culture.
Prior, she has been research associate at the Center for Digital Cultures; Leuphana Lüneburg, was the project lead for digital humanities at Open Knowledge Foundation Gwerman chapter and wrote for various platforms and magazines such as netzpolitik.org and the EPILOG about (digital) culture.
Together with Theresa Züger she is exploring transdisciplinary approaches in computer science within the framework of university co-operations under the umbrella of the Polynocular Tech Lab. She dreams of an analogous GIF museum - eclecticism as a method has proven itself paramount not only within the project Remix Museum (https://museum.rechtaufremix.org/tour/crossover/guide/1/).