Julia Juergens

Executive Coaching und Organizational Transformation

Main focus: Accessing your own wisdom

Websites/blogs: https://juliajuergens.com/ , https://www.greatergood-leadership.com/

Languages: English, German

City: Berlin

State: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: executive coaching, intuition, conscious leadership, personal development, diversity and inclusion, complexity, organizational culture, resilience, sustainability leadership, transformation

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

Julia’s mission is to help leaders and organizations to recognize and take the steps towards their greatest potential. She does that by connecting them to their own deepest wisdom and innovation capacity, bringing together intellect and intuition.

She also works with science-based values assessments to unlock potential. Personal values give great insights about where leaders stand in their inner development. Furthermore, group values allow an organization to measure their culture, and transform it to healthier levels.

Her specialty is also leadership for the greater good. Many years of research and practice have given her clarity as to what prevents or activates leaders to commit themselves to ecology and society.


Julia has worked in leadership and organizational development for two decades on four continents. First, for international organizations: advising and developing government institutions and their leaders in (post-)crisis countries. Thereafter, as HR-leader within a large private sector corporation: coaching and developing leaders and their teams internationally, and transforming business culture. Nowadays, she serves clients from both the public and the private sector.

Julia is an experienced and certified systemic coach and change manager, as well as workplace mediator. She is also certified to conduct various leadership and organizational culture assessments. She holds a Master Degree in Social Sciences (Communications, Political Science & Law) and a Mini-MBA from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Furthermore, Julia is an outdoor sports and nature enthusiast.

Executive Coaching, Sustainable Leadership, Intuition Coaching, Energy Work, Mindfulness, Leadership Assessments, Culture Assessments, Organizational Transformation, Mediation

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Global Goals Forum

At this international conference for decision-makers from politics, business and civil society, Julia talked about how leadership for the global Sustainable Development Goals can be developed and strengthened with business leaders, what the most important elements are for this, and why a holistic approach to consciousness development is key.

Auf dieser internationalen Konferenz für Entscheidungsträger aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft sprach Julia darüber, wie Führung für die globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele mit Führungskräften aus der Geschäftswelt entwickelt und gestärkt werden kann, was dabei wichtige Elemente sind, und warum eine ganzheitliche Bewusstseinsentwicklung der Schlüssel ist.

This talk is in: English
5th Annual Strategic HR Summit: Leadership Development, Talent Management & Recruitment

During this summit for HR professionals from across the globe, Julia presented the highly popular “Sustainable Leadership Program”, which she had developed and implemented in her role as corporate Head of Leadership Development. She highlighted the crucial success factors for such a leadership program, and gave practical tips for HR and CSR representatives to drive forward leadership for sustainability.

Während dieses Summits für HR-Profis aus aller Welt stellte Julia das sehr beliebte "Sustainable Leadership Program" vor, das sie in ihrer Rolle als Corporate Head of Leadership Development entwickelt und umgesetzt hatte. Sie hob die entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktoren für ein solches Leadership-Programm hervor und gab praktische Tipps für HR- und CSR-Vertreter, um Führung für Nachhaltigkeit voranzutreiben.

This talk is in: English
The 8th International Conference on Sustainability and Responsibility

In her presentation at this large international academic and business gathering, Julia spoke from the corporate perspective about this issue: “How can we encourage, develop and reward responsible leadership and concrete sustainability action from the core of our company?”

She was also speaker on a panel here, where "Leadership and Responsibility in the Age of Digitalization" were discussed: https://csr.nrw.de/no_cache/en/news/8th-international-csr-conference/

In ihrem Vortrag auf diesem großen, internationalen Wissenschafts- und Wirtschaftstreffen hat Julia aus der Unternehmensperspektive über dieses Thema gesprochen: „Wie können wir verantwortungsbewusste Führung und konkretes Nachhaltigkeitshandeln aus der Mitte unseres Unternehmens heraus ermutigen, entwickeln und honorieren?“

Sie war hier außerdem Sprecherin in einer Podiumsdiskussion, wo über „Führung und Verantwortung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung“ diskutiert wurde: https://csr.nrw.de/no_cache/en/news/8th-international-csr-conference/

This talk is in: English
ESCP panel discussion on the vehicles for implementation of the UN SDGs: “Code Red”

A discussion on the key role of collaboration between businesses and the scientific community, educational institutions, and civil society in the shift towards a true sustainability transition. Julia talked about what is required from a leadership development perspective to support and even accelerate the implementation of the SDGs.

Eine Diskussion über die Schlüsselrolle der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Unternehmen und Wissenschaft, Bildungseinrichtungen und Zivilgesellschaft beim Übergang zu echter, kollektiver Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit. Julia sprach darüber, was aus Sicht der Führungskräfteentwicklung erforderlich ist, um die Umsetzung der SDGs zu unterstützen und sogar zu beschleunigen.

This talk is in: English
8. Konferenz für deutsche Mitarbeiter internationaler Organisationen und europäischer Institutionen beim Auswärtigen Amt in Berlin / 8th Conference for German employees of International Organisations and European Institutions at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin

Auf dieser Konferenz hat Julia aufgezeigt, wie Führungskräfte aus internationalen Organisationen in die Unternehmenswelt wechseln können - wie man erfolgreich von einer öffentlichen zu einer privaten Organisationskultur und Führungsrolle übergeht.

At this conference, Julia showed how leaders from international organizations can transition to the corporate world - how to successfully shift from a public to a private sector organizational culture and leadership role.

This talk is in: German