Ilona Stuetz

Media and Art Education

Main focus: Diversity in Tech & Education

Twitter handle: @ilo_ul

Websites/blogs: ,

Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: diversity, diversity in tech, hackathons

Services: Talk, Workshop management, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Ilona Stuetz lives in Linz (Austria) and Berlin. Most recently, she worked for projects such as Jugend hackt in Berlin as a media educator and as an art educator at the Ars Electronica Center Linz and for the Ars Electronica Festival.

The focus of work and research is diversity, feminism and intersectionality, with a focus on digitization .
She studied at the University of Art in Linz textil.kunst.desing (BA, thesis on the subject of light tone) and the teaching subjects in textile design, visual education and media design. She also took courses in the Interface Cultures (MA) course. Her diploma thesis "Something with diversity. On the importance of a self-critical reflection of the inequality categories race, class and gender for in-school and out-of-school pedagogical practice." she writes in the subject of visual education (teaching qualification).

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Writing Manuals for All
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Non-Coding Superpower Talk beim online PyLadies Berlin Meetup.

Wie können inklusivere Bedienungsanleitungen für Software geschrieben werden - Bericht der eigenen Erfahrung, Einblick in die Methodik und Schlussfolgerungen. Talk in Englisch (leider schlechte Audioqualität).
Bedienungsanleitung für Jitsi - inklusivere Bedienungsanleitungen schreiben, Methode und Erkenntnisse

This talk is in: English
How to write manuals
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Talk im Rahmen der Enthusiasticon2020.

Wie können inklusivere Bedienungsanleitungen für Software geschrieben werden - Bericht der eigenen Erfahrung, Einblick in die Methodik und Schlussfolgerungen. Talk in Englisch.
Bedienungsanleitung für Jitsi - inklusivere Bedienungsanleitungen schreiben, Methode und Erkenntnisse

This talk is in: English