Hemma Bieser

Entrepreneur and Foresight Thinker

Main focus: Business Agility & Innovation

Twitter handle: @HemmaBieser

Websites/blogs: www.avantsmart.com , https://www.linkedin.com/in/hemma-bieser-1b0a6a2/

Languages: German, English

City: Vienna

Country: Austria

Topics: digitale transformation, leadership, lean startup, innovation, business design, business agility

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  I don't want to talk for nonprofit.


Hemma Bieser is the founder and owner of avantsmart, an innovation company. The avantsmart core business is the development of new business models and go-to-market strategies in the field of renewable energies, information technologies and climate protection. Hemma Bieser supports her clients during the whole innovation process, starting with the first idea until the successful product or service launch.
Hemma Bieser is an expert in new methods and tools for innovation and transformation:
- Business Agility
- Lean Startup Strategies
- Business Model Innovation
- Design Thinking
- Open Innovation Processes
- Serious Business Games.
Hemma Bieser holds a diploma in Physics (University of Technology, Vienna) and a master degree in Environment & Management. From 2000 to 2007 she was working as a consultant for Accenture in Frankfurt and Vienna. From 2008 to 2011 Hemma Bieser was responsible for strategy and funding programs at the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund. Currently she advises various companies in their digital transformation processes as management consultant and innovation coach. For more information see www.avantsmart.at

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Smart Grids Week 2015 - Innovation Islands
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Co-Creation Workshop für Startups und etablierte Unternehmen der Energiebranche
Auftraggeber Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie

Smart Service Innovation Day 2016

Business Design Sprint mit über 60 TeilnehmerInnen aus der Energiebranche sowie innovativen Startups
Auftraggeber Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie

Teaser Agile Circle
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Beim Agile Circle am 28. Mai 2020 in Wien wird Hemma Bieser einen Workshop zum Thema #Shiftup Business Agility and Innovation Leadership halten und neue spielerische Methoden vorstellen.

This talk is in: German