Languages: German, English, Russian
State: Vienna
Country: Austria
Topics: diversity management, organisational culture, inclusive leadership, diversity equity and inclusion in museums
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Museen des 21. Jahrhunderts stehen vielfältigen sozialen, technologischen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Entwicklungen, Krisen und Herausforderungen gegenüber. Die Veranstaltung geht der Frage nach, wie es angesichts dessen gelingen kann, den kulturellen Wandel in Museen hin zu mehr Diversität, sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Inklusion voranzutreiben. In ihrem Vortrag beschäftigt sich Doris B. Ash aus einer soziokulturellen und systemischen Perspektive mit den zahlreichen inneren Konflikten des Museums. Sie macht die blinden Flecken von struktureller Diskriminierung, Machtungleichheiten und Widersprüchen zwischen Finanzierung, institutioneller Öffnung, kultureller Produktion und sozialer Gerechtigkeit sichtbar und beleuchtet das Potenzial und die Barrieren kultureller Veränderung der Institution Museum.
Luise Reitstätter fokussiert in ihrem Beitrag auf die unterschiedliche Konzeption und Wahrnehmung von Museen aus Sicht der Institutionen und aus Sicht von (Nicht-)Besucher*innen.
Im anschließenden Gespräch, das von Heidrun Schulze moderiert wird, verbinden Doris B. Ash, Negin Rezaie, Luise Reitstätter, Vanessa Spanbauer und Barbara Streicher diese theoretischen und wissenschaftlichen Befunde mit Perspektiven aus der Museumspraxis und erforschen gemeinsam Ansatzpunkte für einen kulturellen Wandel des Museums.
This talk is in: English
Come and browse the first issue of our Social Justice Magazine prepared by our reporters! Take the “What type of advocate are you?” quiz, discover “The 5 signs that there’s an elephant in the room,” explore our feature “Ask us anything.”
Join our editorial team and help us finish our featured interviews “EDI Desire? How to get it back!”....We are looking for international experts to write a collective column on a hot topic.
Whether you have managed to avoid so far any discussions on EDI, or are a passionate yet tired advocate, we will explore EDI like never before and provide you with the best hacks to keep it moving.
This talk is in: English
Science centers and science museums are largely considered as informal learning places for “the general public”. However, science engagement institutions, are becoming more and more aware that “the general public” is in fact a very diverse society consisting of individuals, groups, communities of people with diverse backgrounds (gender, ethnicity, class, age, language, culture, education, religion,...), diverse social status, and diverse interests, knowledge, competences – and
that our audiences often do not reflect the diversity of our societies, especially when it comes to marginalised groups.
However, science engagement institutions could be ideal places for diverse audiences and, more specifically, for marginalised groups of adult learners in order to get better access to informal science learning and to experience empowerment and acquire new competences and skills through science engagement.
The European project PISEA aims at supporting science engagement institutions to become more inclusive and relevant especially for marginalised audiences, by providing a set of useful resources for science engagement professionals and institutions for working with marginalised groups of adult migrants and refugees, in particular.
Science centres and museums are continuously working on creating inclusive and accessible environments, but we still have a long way to go towards creating more welcoming, context- and culture-sensitive ways of reaching out and connecting with non-users from underserved communities. All working towards equity in participation and education on science, technology, and health, the presenters share experiences in bridging science centres experiences and programmes with the everyday lives of under-served groups.
The session will present ideas, experiences, methods and results from projects combining research with the development of innovative methods for connecting and engaging with new audience groups. The presenters will discuss challenges and possible solutions for creating inclusive and accessible modes of engagement for a variety of different groups.
This talk is in: English