
Glenna Buford

Main focus: iOS/mobile development topics

Twitter handle: @glennersboofy

Website/blog: glenna.github.io/cv

Languages: English

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: women in tech, game development, objectivec, swift, ios, mobile technologies, android, programming, programming workshops, women in programming, arkit, women in games


Glenna is a lead iOS Engineer at Wooga, where she’s been working on a mobile game, Jelly Splash, for over three years. Glenna has expertise in iOS and Android development, is a director of Women Who Code Berlin, and founder of Girls’ Games Workshops in Germany. When she’s not computering, she’s usually trying new beers or traveling.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

The debugger is your friend

Tips and tricks with debugging using lldb: We’ve all been in situations where just setting a breakpoint isn’t helpful; that pesky bug that happens only when the stars (variables) align. This talk will be a brief introduction to using python scripts with lldb to debug code, using code.

This talk is in: English