Gianna Brachetti-Truskawa

Main focus: International SEO

Twitter handle: @tentakellady


Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Turkish

City: Cologne, Germany

Country: Germany

Topics: translation, localization, web tracking, seo for startups, onlinemarketingforbeginners, online marketing, search, seo, apps, web design, alternate search engines, international growth, growth hacking, music recommender systems


Gianna Brachetti-Truskawa has been working in Online Marketing since 2009, including as former Head of SEO at various agencies, Senior SEO Consultant at and International Senior SEO/Audience Manager at the Aufeminin Group ( and in various countries). She is currently consulting international clients at bold ventures GmbH. Favourite topics: and multilingual content markup on complex websites with exotic languages. Her insatiable curiosity covers more topics than there are hours in a week, but her special passion are playlist battles and language in all its different quirks and features. And food of course. FOOD!

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

SEARCH ELITE | AI vs. Human Translation in Localisation
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Thinking about expanding your business and dive into international waters? Watch my speech about the current state of AI and machine translation vs. human translation when it comes to web localisation to see when and why human translation might be a better fit, what risks your should avoid when using automated translation, and how you can implement a process to scale your business nonetheless.

This talk is in: English
Interview: How to plan and manage a relaunch
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After my speech at SMX Munich 2018 about what to do when your relaunch failed, Gemma from Webcertain asked me in an interview what you can do to prevent from failing in a relaunch.

This talk is in: English
Interview: Will Artificial Intelligence Remove the Need for Human Intervention?

Before my speech at Search Elite 2018, Jo Turnbull asked me for an interview abut artificial intelligence vs. human intervention in localisation. Read the interview for a few insights that could not be covered in the presentation in June and find some helpful links for further reading.

This talk is in: English
Get it right internationally: 10 common hreflang mistakes
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Presentation given at Searchmetrics Summit 2017: Many multilingual websites have issues targeting their audience for a specific region or set of languages in Google search, even though they might already be using the hreflang attribute. We’re going to walk you through the basics of hreflang and show you the 10 most common mistakes with hreflang implementation, so you don’t have to make them, too.

This talk is in: English
'The evolution of search and serps' - Panel Discussion - Searchmetrics Summit 2017
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Taking part in a panel discussion about the evolution of search and SERPs at Searchmetrics Summit 2017.

This talk is in: English
Interview: SEO-Katastrophen beim Relaunch verhindern
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SEO-Experten müssen in den Entwicklungsprozess integriert werden! Im Interview auf der Webinale 2018 erkläre ich, was man tun kann, um sicherzustellen, dass Experten rechtzeitig involviert werden.

This talk is in: German
ARTICLE: Get it right internationally - Top 10 hreflang issues

When I first consulted a client on multilingual targeting in 2012, I thought it was quite simple. And it was only over the years that I saw quite a few ways in which your hreflang implementation can go wrong. And honestly, this topic became one of my favourites. Which is why I was glad when Link Assistant asked me to contribute a piece about the top ten issues for their website. Read on to find out what the top 10 issues with hreflang implementation are and how to prevent from them happening.

This talk is in: English
Podcast: Softcore App-Hijacking - was ist es, wie nutzt man es?

Dave Brych hat mich in einem Podcast interviewt. Unter Anderem versuche ich ihm meinen Vortrag über "Softcore App-Hijacking" zu erklären.

This talk is in: German
Interview: Tech-SEO für komplexe Websites

Oliver Engelbrecht hat mich in einem Interview zum Thema technische SEO für komplexe, internationale Webseiten befragt.
Insbesondere folgende Fragen erwarten Euch:
Was kann bei Internationalisierungen und Relaunches alles schiefgehen?
Warum sind Kraken so tolle Tiere?
Welche ist die schönste Sprache der Welt?

This talk is in: German
Interview: Relaunch und internationale SEO
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Im Interview bei der SMX München 2018 wurde ich gefragt, was bei Relaunches oft falsch läuft und wie man Fehler vermeiden kann. Außerdem nehme ich kurz Stellung zum Einsatz von Google Translate bei der Lokalisierung und erkläre, wie Übersetzungen gelingen, damit Produktseiten auch konvertieren können.

This talk is in: Chinese
Softcore App-Hijacking

Vortrag auf dem karlscore Public Event im Oktober 2017, Berlin.
Am Beispiel von acht bekannten Apps zeige ich, wie man seine Marke sinnvoll und nutzerfreundlich platzieren kann, indem man die Kernfunktionialitäten diverser Apps bestmöglich (oder in überraschender Weise) nutzt.

This talk is in: German
Kurzes Recap des Themas "Softcore App-Hijacking" auf dem OM West Barcamp 2018

Kurzes Recap des Themas "Softcore App-Hijacking" auf dem OM West Barcamp 2018.

This talk is in: German