Floria Susan Moghimi

Languages: German, English

Country: Germany

Topics: inclusion, diversity management, diversity in companies, privilege awareness, diversity in technology, unconscious bias, diversity and inclusion, diversity, allyship, belonging

Services: Talk, Workshop management, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

LinkedIn Learning Training zu Allyship

This talk is in: German
Wie Unconscious Bias unsere Entscheidungen beeinflussen

Gravity Konferenz für Employer Branding &
Arbeitgeber­­attraktivität April 2020

Die drei größten Diversity & Inclusion Mythen

internes Event des rbb Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg, Vortrag am Diversity-Tag

This talk is in: German
Becoming my true self. Why Inclusion is about the I.

Keynote auf dem internen Mitarbeiter*innenevent von Thoughtworks Germany

This talk is in: English
Podcastinterview "Die Personalabteilung"

Diversity ist mehr als ein “Nice-to-Have”. Egal ob ihr neu im Thema oder bereits tiefer eingestiegen seid: Floria gibt Euch Tipps, wie ihr Vielfalt und Offenheit in Eurem Unternehmen Leben einhaucht. Warum es mit einer Frauenquote und einem Unconscious Bias-Training nicht getan ist? Hört rein!

This talk is in: German
Is insufficient data Germany's biggest hurdle to tackling workplace discrimination?

German workplaces have become more diverse in recent years. But diversity and inequality data is hard to come by and when available it often lacks complexity. A look at the current situation and what it means: In Germany, it is very difficult to get a picture of how discrimination could be affecting certain groups of people in different industries and at various levels of management, according to diversity and inclusion experts. Most German employers do not collect anonymized data on race, religion, sexual orientation or world view. Berlin-based diversity and inclusion consultant Floria Susan Moghimi says that makes her job harder.

This talk is in: English