Felicitas Irene Birckenbach

Main focus: Classical Music Communication

Website/blog: http://about.me/felicitasirene

Languages: German, English, French

City: Köln

Country: Germany

Topics: gender diversity

Services: Talk, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Felicitas is a passionate about "Classical" Music. "Ascolta, per favore" is her motto not only referring to the sounds of music and nature, but to an open mind and ear towards all groups of communication. She 's the author of a book entitled "classical music, concert and communiction" and dealing with branding for concert and ensembles showing case-studies and expert-views.

Coming from a family with artists, musicians and scientists she studied cultural & non-profit- management and economics and has been active for many years in renowned institutions, companies and organisations. Her experience relies on various projects and tasks in communication and also in consulting and corporate governance. She is in demand as a speaker for specialist lectures and discussions, as an interviewer and facilitator of workshops and events as well as a publicist on articles and book contribution. Currently she accompanies a young foundation through formation and development.

Her core issues are the promotion of music and education as well as of corporate social responsibility, business ethics and sustainability in connex with all facets of communication. With her extensive expertise and experience in communication, branding, public relations and marketing her focus is on the systematic integration of all instruments with a view to the respective brand core, the organisational culture as well as the authenticity and comprehensibility of any form of statement towards all internal and external stakeholders.

Classical music across all categories is her passion: symphonic and chamber music, opera, the "lied" up to modern music - occasionally jazz, chanson or folk... A frequent guest to domestic and international concert-halls, opera houses and various festivals she is an expert of the music scene - supporting musicians, ensembles and concert-initiatives as well as promoting the appreciation for classical music among all social groups and countries.

In her leisure time she enjoys running and hiking in nature, listening to the birds and the wind and devoting time to vocal training - studying songs and arias.