Fabienne Mahwane Gretschel

trained lawyer, moderator, advisor

Main focus: Transformative justice

Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

State: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: empowerment

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

The starting point for my work is my endeavour to do what I can for the world in which I want to live. With my work, I want to pass on my knowledge and sensitise people. In order to change spaces, I use my workshops to explain structural power relations and empower those affected.
For me, power-critical moderation means that I try to recognise not only the people on stage in all their positions, but also the audience. I prepare myself in the knowledge that there are also people in the audience with different experiences of marginalisation and I see it as my task to be mindful of those too.


Reflecting on my childhood, I realise that the question of justice has always preoccupied me. Looking back, it is therefore not surprising that I decided to study law, even if it was rather disillusioning and peppered with discriminatory experiences. It was only through a more intensive study of legal philosophy and politics that I was able to sharpen my own values and my understanding of social justice. Then, as I engaged with the writing of Black, queer, disabled and otherwise marginalised feminists, it all came together to form a complete picture that guides and directs me today.
Since 2021, I have particularly enjoyed moderating readings, but also events and panel discussions. I have been giving workshops since the beginning of 2023, particularly on anti-discrimination law, diversity development and intersectional perspectives on sexualised violence.
I also publish texts, particularly on the topics of community and experiences of racism in a work context.
In all of this, transformative justice is a cross-cutting theme that combines my legal knowledge with my experience and other skills.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Keynote beim Fachtag "Strukturelle Prävention in Zeiten gesellschaftlichen Wandels" der Deutschen Aidshilfe im November 2024 in Köln

Präsentation einer dreißigminütigen Keynote zum Thema "Warum wir ein machtkritisches Verständnis von Intersektionalität brauchen, um nachhaltige Präventionsstrategien für soziale Gerechtigkeit zu entwickeln".

This talk is in: German
Moderation und Workshop beim Fachtag der Frauenberatung Wuppertal "Perspektiven durchqueeren - Fachtag zu Intersektionalität und sexualisierter Gewalt" im Oktober 2024

Tagesmoderation des Fachtags "Perspektiven durchqueeren - Fachtag zu Intersektionalität und sexualisierter Gewalt" der Frauenberatung Wuppertal sowie Durchführung eines Workshops zu Machtkritik und Intersektionalität im Rahmen von sexualisierter Gewalt.

This talk is in: German
neue deutsche organisationen - das postmigrantische netzwerk e.V.

Teilnahme an Podiumsdiskussion zu transformativer Gerechtigkeit

This talk is in: German
Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen Bundestagsfraktion

Workshop: Eine intersektionale Perspektive auf sexualisierte Gewlat

This talk is in: German
Maaza Mengiste - The Shadowking

Reading at she said books.

This talk is in: English
Josephine Apraku - Kluft und Liebe

Lesung bei she said books.

This talk is in: German
48h Neukölln

Moderation der Auftaktveranstaltung im Jahr 2022 inkl. Podiumsdiskussion

This talk is in: German