Dr. Tanja Gabriele Baudson

Main focus: Giftedness and Creativity

Twitter handle: @TGBaudson

Website/blog: http://www.uni-due.de/dia (Uni), http://www.fachportal-hochbegabung.de/blog (Blog)

Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Latin

City: Essen

Country: Germany

Topics: iq, stereotype


* Studies of Romance Literature (M.A.), American Language and Literature, and Psychology (Dipl.-Psych.) in Bonn/Germany, Paris/France, and Gold Coast/Australia
* PhD 2011, University of Trier/Germany, on "The (Mis-)Measure of Children's Cognitive Abilities"
* 2007–2014 Diagnostician at the Center for Assessment and Evaluation (" Zentrum für Diagnostik und Evaluation"), University of Trier
* Visiting Scholar, Nishinomiya/Japan, Kwansei Gakuin Daigaku, Princeton/USA, Educational Testing Service, New York/USA, Queens College, City University of New York
* 2014–2016 Visiting Professor, Educational and Psychological Assessment, University of Duisburg-Essen/Germany
* from October 2016 Visiting Professor, Quantitative Methods in the Educational Sciences, Technical University of Dortmund/Germany

* Scientific and practical experience in giftedness, identification of potential, intelligence, creativity, teachers' diagnostic abilities
* Numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications and conference contributions (http://www.uni-due.de/dia/publications.php)
* Development of intelligence tests (THINK 1–4, to appear in 2016 with Hogrefe Publishers; intelligence screening "mini-q" for psychological research, validation study published in "Diagnostica", 2016)
* Science journalism: Blog "Giftedness" (http://www.fachportal-hochbegabung.de/blog or http://www.scilogs.de/hochbegabung – in German), Karg Foundation in collaboration with Spektrum der Wissenschaft (German branch of "Scientific American"), awarded the "SciLogs Award for Science Blogs 2016"; article series "Strolls Through Giftedness Research" in the MindMag, magazine of the high-IQ society Mensa in Germany (since 2007; http://www.uni-due.de/dia/popular.php)
* Numerous public talks for general audiences (http://www.uni-due.de/dia/talks.php)

Examples of previous talks / appearances:


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SWR 2 Forum: "Geborene Verlierer – braucht der Schulsport Leistungsdruck?"

Es diskutieren: Dr. Tanja Gabriele Baudson – Institut für Psychologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Heinz Frommel – Vorstandsmitglied Deutscher Sportlehrerverband Baden Württemberg, Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Heim – Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft, Universität Heidelberg
Gesprächsleitung: Susanne Kaufmann