Dr. Sandra Siebenhüter

organizational sociology, change management

Main focus: transformation, negotiation

Websites/blogs: www.sandra-siebenhueter.de , www.managerismus.com

Languages: German, English

City: Ingolstadt

State: Bavaria

Country: Germany

Topics: new ways of working (neue arbeitswelt)

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.



* Self-employment as organizational development, training, negotiation
* Consultant for digital transformation, IG Metall Bavaria
* Scientific advisor, Otto Brenner Foundation, Frankfurt
* Lecturer at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Heilbronn University, HdBA Schwerin
* Lecturer in adult education for many years
* Doctorate in economic and organizational sociology
* Study and research stays in
England (University of Nottingham)
Italy (Fondazione Istituto per il Lavoro - Bologna)
USA (NGOs Louisville/Kentucky)


# Certificate Training "Certificate of Excellence in Business Negotiations, CEBN®", Verhandlungsperformance Mainz
# Change Management & Organizational Consulting, Institute for Coaching and Organizational Consulting (ICO), Augsburg
# Systemic Coach (Practitioner), Competence on Top, Augsburg
# Organizational Manager, Academy of Management and Politics, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Bonn