Dr. Sabine Hahn

Twitter handle: @bibahahn

Website/blog: www.sabine-hahn.de

Languages: German, English

City: Köln

State: North Rhine-Westphalia

Country: Germany

Topics: digital leadership, remote work, new leadership, leadership 4.0, coaching

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.


After completing university with a master degree („Magister Artium“) in cultural studies, sociology and journalism at the University of Leipzig Sabine (39) entered the games industry in 2003.
During her >10 years career she’s been holding various Sales & Marketing positions with Com2uS, Macrospace, Glu Mobile and last but not least Electronic Arts where she headed up their German mobile divisions as “Sales & Marketing Director GSAB”.
Since end of 2013 Sabine is working as an independent lecturer, trainer and business coach while also writing her PhD thesis about “Gender in Games & Gaming” (University of Cologne).
Sabine’s main focus and passion is diversity within the games industry as much as the wider corporate context and therefore she could be considered as diversity advocate and evangelist.
Thanks to her outstanding profile of business experience combined with an academic background Sabine is regularly attending games specific conferences and events (i.e. Quo Vadis, Respawn, Next Level, Berlin Games Forum or Women In Games Conference) to talk about gender diversity aspects within the games business.
If Sabine is not busy dedicating her time towards new technology, the entertainment industry or gender related topics she is a passionate twin mum who loves doing sports (Ashtanga Yoga, Running, Snowboarding) and cultural activities in various forms.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Same same but different - Leadership in the digital age

The digital transformation is rapidly changing today’s business world including traditional leadership principles and management approaches. The generation “digital native” is most likely going to expect agile leaders and agile management. But what does “leadership” mean, what is “agile management” and how can you transfer this concept into practice? What is "alpha intelligence" and why is it important for smart digital leaders?

This talk is in: English
Die Hälfte aller Spieler ist weiblich. Doch wie vielfältig ist die deutsche Spieleindustrie?

Die Hälfte aller Spieler ist weiblich, dennoch ist die Spielebranche gegenwärtig vorwiegend männlich besetzt. Warum das so ist, ob und welche Konsequenzen dieser Umstand für die digitalen Produkte einerseits und die Unternehmen andererseits hat und wie sich die Frauen in der Games Branche fühlen, möchte der Vortrag aufzeigen und dabei auch einen Ausblick in die Zukunft wagen.

This talk is in: German
Why I Need Diverse Games - Brainstorming about gender diversity in the games industry

According to research more diverse teams have been found to be more effective and productive than others. (i.e. McKinsey, Catalyst) At the same time research reflects what you might expect – a vast majority of game developers are white men, aged between 20 and 35 typically, and very few have children.
The session wants to examine the status quo of the games industry with regards to it’s diversity and discuss some proposals which are typically suggested by academia for the way forward.