Dr. Ruth Müntinga


Main focus: Diversity & Microaggressions

Twitter handle: @BunteRuth

Websites/blogs: www.motus5.de , https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ruth-m%C3%BCntinga-66b4131aa/ , https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_M%C3%BCntinga

Languages: German, English

City: Bremen

State: Bremen

Country: Germany

Topics: happiness, diversity, microaggressions, de&i

Services: Talk, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

I am Dr. Ruth Müntinga, a sociologist and expert in inequality and happiness research. Through my work as a scientist and political advisor, I was able to identify the causes of persistent inequality and develop solutions to address them. This led to the creation of motus5, an organizational consultancy specializing in equity and diversity. As co-founder and CEO of motus5, I support individuals, organizations, associations, and companies in breaking through the glass ceiling.


03 / 2020 – Present: Founder and Managing Director
motus5 – Diversity. Consulting. Training, Bremen
Founded and manage a company focused on creating gender equality in businesses, society, and associations.
Responsibilities include seminars, lectures, corporate consulting, and certification of family-friendly companies.

02 / 2021 – 11 / 2023: Research Associate
Center for Labor and Politics (zap), University of Bremen
Conducted research on the Gender-Atypical Training (GunA) project.
Developed and implemented training modules on gender sensitivity in professional contexts for stakeholders involved in vocational training.
Facilitated the transfer of knowledge between academia and practice.

02 / 2020 – 07 / 2020: Office Manager
State Women’s Council of Bremen (bfa)

10 / 2018 – 03 / 2019: Public Affairs Manager
Azubiwerk Development Company, Hamburg

11 / 2014 – 09 / 2018: Parliamentary Advisor
SPD Parliamentary Group, Bremen State Parliament
Advised Members of Parliament.
Prepared and coordinated legislative initiatives in the fields of economy, labor, ports, consumer protection, and gender equality.

10 / 2013 – 05 / 2014: Research Associate
Department of Social Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Conducted research on the concept of "subjective well-being."
Contributed conceptually and substantively to the Josef Popper-Nährpflicht Foundation.

10 / 2008 – 04 / 2013: Project Manager & Research Associate
Institute for Economics, Labor, and Culture (IWAK), Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Managed the European Network on Regional Labor Market Monitoring with around 400 partners in over 30 countries.
Conducted research and published on regional labor market monitoring.

04 / 2008 – 04 / 2015: PhD in Sociology (magna cum laude)
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main

04 / 2010 – 08 / 2010: Research Stay
Columbia University, New York, USA

12 / 2008 – 11 / 2011: Graduate Scholarship Recipient
Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Bonn

10 / 2001 – 11 / 2007: Studies in Sociology, Political Science, and Modern and Contemporary History
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

“Expertin für dumme Sprüche” Videobeitrag von buten un binnen über Dr. Ruth Müntinga.

Das Team von buten un binnen hat Dr. Ruth Müntinga zuhause besucht und zum Thema “Mikroaggressionen” interviewt.

This talk is in: German
Diese Unterstützungen können Erst-Akademikerinnen in Bremen bekommen.

Interview mit Dr. Ruth Müntinga zu dem von ihr geleiteten ehrenamtlichen Projekt "First Generation Students" beim BPW Bremen e. V.

This talk is in: German
Podcast-Interview: Bildungsfrauen – Der Podcast von und mit Sabine Bertram | Folge 21.

Viele Bildungsfrauen haben zwei Standbeine – eine Festanstellung sowie eine selbständige Tätigkeit. So auch Dr. Ruth Müntinga: zum einen forscht die Soziologin an der Universität Bremen, aktuell zu geschlechteruntypischer Ausbildung. Zum anderen berät und sensibilisiert sie mit ihrer Firma motus5 Unternehmen zum Thema Geschlechtergerechtigkeit. Beide Arbeitsbereiche sind inhaltlich eng miteinander verwoben – und da zeigt sich auch Ruths Mission: sie setzt sich nachdrücklich gegen Diskriminierung aufgrund von Geschlecht ein. An welchen Stellen sie aktiv wird und welche Strategien sie persönlich nutzt, um diskriminierenden Verhaltensweisen zu begegnen, hört ihr in dieser Folge. Eine kleine Triggerwarnung: in dieser Folge geht es u.a. um sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz.

This talk is in: German