Dr. Rima-Maria Rahal

Senior Research Fellow

Main focus: Open Science

Twitter handle: @rimamrahal

Website/blog: http://rimamrahal.wordpress.com

Languages: German, English

City: Cologne

Country: Germany

Topics: open educational resources, replication, open science, reproducibility, decision-making, preregistration

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

I see you: How can science read your mind?
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How cool would it be to read minds? Of course that's not possible. Or is it? In this video, I explain how science might have an answer.

This talk is in: English
Open for Insight. An online course in experimentation
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This is an online course in experimentation as a method of the empirical social sciences, directed at science newcomers and undergrads.

We cover topics such as:

How do we know what’s true?
How can one recognize false conclusions?
What is an experiment?
What are experiments good for, and what can we learn from them?
What makes a good experiment and how can I make a good experiment?
The aim of the course is to illustrate the principles of experimental insight. We also discuss why experiments are the gold standard in empirical social sciences and how a basic understanding of experimentation can also help us deal with questions in everyday life.

But it is not only exciting research questions and clever experimental set-ups that are needed for experiments to really work well. Experiments and the knowledge gained from them should be as freely accessible and transparent as possible, regardless of the context. Only then can other thinkers and experimenters check whether the results can be reproduced. And only then can other thinkers and experimenters build their own experiments on reliable original work. This is why the online course Open for Insight also discusses how experiments and the findings derived can be developed and communicated openly and transparently.

This talk is in: English
Vom Gedankenlesen -- innoSci Open Science Slam
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Wenn ich nur deine Gedanken lesen könnte - das hat sicher jeder schon mal gedacht. Aber wie geht eigentlich die Wissenschaft an das superschwere Problem der Messung dessen, was wir denken und fühlen, heran? In diesem Vortrag geht es darum, dass der wahre Inhalt des Geistes einer Person wirklich schwer (und derzeit so gut wie unmöglich?) zu messen, geschweige denn zu erklären oder vorherzusagen ist, selbst wenn wir dafür ausgefallene wissenschaftliche Werkzeuge verwenden. Dabei gehen mit deren Verwendung auch eine Reihe von Annahmen über den Mess-/Erklärungs-/Vorhersageprozess einher, die nicht unbedingt wahr sein müssen. Nur wenn diese Annahmen und Verfahren transparent gemacht werden, können echte Fortschritte in der Frage des Gedankenlesens erzielt werden -- dafür brauchen wir Open Science!

This talk is in: German