Dena Kelishadi

Main focus: Diversity in the Media

Twitter handle: @denaberlin


Languages: German, English, French, Persian

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: iran, diversity, usa


Since 2013 member of Neue deutsche Medienmacher (NdM). Host of the NdM-Salon.

Born and raised in Frankfurt in 1989.

First did an Academic Year at European College of Liberal Arts Berlin (today Bard College Berlin). Then studied at Humboldt University Berlin. B.A. in American Studies, Linguistics, Sociology and Political Science in 2013.

Absolved two year training as a multimedia editor and professional speaker at the ELECTRONIC MEDIA SCHOOL in 2015.

Wrote for Missy Magazine, Mediendienst Integration, edited news for ZEIT ONLINE, shot films for Spiegel Video, researched for ARD Washington, DRadio Wissen and reported for rbb Inforadio.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Salon der Neuen deutschen Medienmacher

Für die Organisation Neue deutsche Medienmacher moderiere ich etwa vierteljährig die Diskussionsveranstaltung NdM Salon.