Main focus: Internet of Things
Twitter handle: @chrdicke
Languages: German, English
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: user experience design, female leadership, digitale transformation, women in tech, user research, agile transformation, iot, user centred design, ux, wearable technology, prototyping, internet of things, service design, ux innovation, interaction design
Christina has over 15 years of international experience in innovation development, user centered design and user research. She holds a PhD in Computer Science with a focus on Human-Computer-Interaction and is heading the Engineering / Creative Technology Team at IXDS.
She also worked at Nokia Research in Finland, the Human Interface Technology Laboratory in New Zealand, and the Hasso-Plattner-Institute in Potsdam and the relevantive AG.
There she headed the UX Research Team at rand developed a Lean UX research approach tailored towards Start-Ups and fast-paced product development. As a Senior Researcher at Telekom Innovation Laboratories she worked on mobile interfaces and physical and gestural interaction design. Some of her research interests were non-visual interfaces, such as gesture based or spatial auditory interfaces but also wearable computing.
Her main focus today is how the Internet of Things will impact our lives and business and how we can design and prototype for this new generation of products and services.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Keynote auf dem Informatiktag der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin