Cathérine Lehmann

Sustainability Professional

Main focus: Sustainable cities

Websites/blogs: ,érine-lehmann/ ,

Languages: English, French, German, Spanish

City: Berlin

State: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: nonprofit

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

I am a dedicated sustainability professional with experience in project management, consulting, research and entrepreneurship, passionate about creating sustainable cities with a high quality of life for all inhabitants. At WeMaCo I am leading the area of Urban Transformation. We offer consulting services to city changers and also provide coaching for personal transformation as part of our systemic transformation approach. I am currently in charge of organising the CREATE Convention, which serves as a starting point for a community for inner and outer transformation.

Feel free to contact me on the topics mentioned on my profile and related topics.


I graduated with a BSc. in Business Administration from the University of Mannheim with a focus on Nonprofit Management, followed by an MSc. in International Sustainability Management at ESCP Berlin/Paris.
Professionally, I worked in different positions in sustainability consulting and I have conducted research at TU Berlin on sustainable consumption and at the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) on postgrowth/degrowth, engagement, associations/unions and socio-ecological transformation. Now, I am focusing on sustainability transformations of cities and regions, for which I am also employing my competences in social entrepreneurship, project management and leadership.
I am active politically and in civil society, e.g. in environmental and nature protection and with the climate protection organisation "3 for Climate e.V.". I try to shape my life according to my sustainability principles and to encourage others to join.

Correspondingly, the topics I offer in the field of sustainability are diverse:
- building/rebuilding ecologically and socially just cities and neighbourhoods (focus)
- further developing regenerative ways of thinking and living
- achieving a socio-ecological transformation of our society
- to bring about a rethinking in our economy and politics
- protect our environment and create a pleasant climate
- inspire people to new behaviour and utopianism
- expand and share personal development and (intercultural) communication

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Ausbildung zur Keynote Speakerin/Vortragsrednerin - Keynote: Warum der Wandel in dir beginnt und dort nicht endet
Video Thumbnail

Zum Abschluss meiner Ausbildung bei Peter Lüder (Berlin) habe ich meine Keynote öffentlich präsentiert. Der Trailer dazu ist öffentlich zugänglich. Für die vollständige Version könnt ihr mir gerne schreiben.

This talk is in: German
Interview mit Klima.taz zu Klimaneutralität

Im Rahmen meiner Vereinsarbeit für 3 fürs Klima e.V. und unserer Kampagne Die Klimawette wurde ich 2020 unter anderem von Reporter*innen der Klima.taz interviewt.

This talk is in: German
Auswahl von bisherigen Vortragsthemen

Herausforderungen und Chancen der sozial ökologischen Transformation (2023) für die AG Plurale Ökonomik der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung NRW;
Die Städte der Zukunft nachhaltig gestalten - mit Tools wie "City Works" (2022) im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung;
Eine Einführung in Postwachstum (2020) für Rotary Club Mainz und (2022) für Alumni der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes;
Künstliche Intelligenz und Nachhaltiger Konsum (2021) für IÖW & ConPolicy;
Nachhaltiger Lebensstil (2021) bei einer Spezialklinik in Leutenberg;
Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung (2021) für Digital Dialog Marburg;

Folien / weitere Informationen auf Nachfrage

Moderation unter anderem für Stakeholder-Workshops z.B. zu sozial-ökologischer Transformation

This talk is in: German