Caroline Krohn

Main focus: Security & Digitalisation


Languages: German, English, French, Russian, Spanish

City: Hanau

State: Hesse

Country: Germany

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

Due to my professional background, I am often asked for an assessment of security policy issues - be it conventional security policy issues, hybrid issues or cyber security issues.

It is always important to me to categorise things ethically and to look at the question: what does something mean for us, our values, our future?

I take a critical view of AI, blockchain, big data analyses, innovations, etc., i.e. topics that are omnipresent in digitalisation, and demand that they be examined for sustainability, technical debts, moderation and corrective measures, and a focus on what is essential and necessary. Large contexts are my perspective. This can be applied to current political, economic or social issues, as well as in general reflexion.


Caroline Krohn is co-founder and spokesperson of the Working Group Sustainable Digitalisation. This initiative has set itself the goal of focusing on protecting future generations in times of increasing digitalisation.

She is also an entrepreneur in the fields of IT security, IT expert recruitment and sustainable corporate management. She is also active in digital policy with Bündnis90/Die Grünen, for which she ran for the state parliament in Hesse in 2018 and for the Bundestag in 2021. She is also very active in civil society, currently as a board member of the think tank for liberal net politics LOAD e.V., among others. Caroline Krohn is a highly sought-after speaker, publicist, moderator, lecturer and interviewee, often commenting extensively on current political issues as well as fundamental topics.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Youtube-Serie #CarosCorner
Video Thumbnail

Teil 01: Interview mit Ricarda Lang zu Grüner Politik
Teil 02: Interview mit Carina Lange zu Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Teil 03: Interview mit Dr. Jörg Böttcher zu Erneuerbaren Energien
Teil 04: Interview mit Prof. Dr. Anna Lührmann zu Öffentlichkeit und Demokratie
Teil 05: Interview mit Philipp Achenbach zu Nachhaltigen Geldanlagen
Teil 06: Interview mit Matz Mattern zu Katastrophenschutz
Teil 07: Interview mit Dr. Mario Buchinger zu Technologieoffenheit, Mobilitätswende und Energiewende
Teil 08: Interview mit Astrid Hilt zum Handwerk
Teil 09: Interview mit Manuel "HonkHase" Atug zum Krieg in der Ukraine
Teil 10: Interview mit Markus Mattzick zu Blackouts und seinem Buch "Ohne Strom"
Teil 11: Interview mit Anika Breuing zum Thema Coaching
Teil 12: Interview mit Pascal Stolecki zum Thema FahrRad
Teil 13: Interview mit Marlene Buchinger zu nachhaltigem Management
Teil 14: Interview mit Esther Ecke zu Sicherheitskommunikation
Teil 15: Interview mit Friederike von Franqué zu Open Data

This talk is in: German