Main focus: Strategy & Change
Languages: German, English
City: Neerach / Zürich
Country: Switzerland
Topics: innovation, management, change management, organisation
Caroline Cerar
(Mag. iur; Mag. rer.soc.oec; MSc. Psychotherapeutic Psychology)
Management Consultant & Psychologist
Topic areas of public speaking:
- Strategy & Innovation
- Organization & Change Management
- Management & Leadership
As management consultant Caroline Cerar is working for medium to larger international companies in the area of strategy development and implementation, organizational development, change or post merger integration. She is regularly asked to help in the solution of delicate and complex strategic questions on the upper management level, lead difficult mediation processes as well as moderate management conferences.
For top executives Caroline Cerar is acting as coach and sparring partner. The management consultant and psychologist gives seminars, holds lectures and is writing on the topics of strategy and innovation, organization, change management and leadership. Hereby she combines the company perspective with the individual perspective of the managers and employees in a holistic, systemic approach. Additionally she lectures at the Department of Corporate Leadership and Entrepreneurship at the university of Graz.
Caroline Cerar is owner and managing director of Perveno Consulting, Neerach/Zurich, and has been active in management consulting for more than 12 years. Prior to this she held several leadership positions with national and international responsibilities in the consumer goods industry (Procter & Gamble). Being a psychologist with psychotherapeutic formation she is trained as a business coach and has a small psychological consultation practice in the vicinity of Zurich.
The Austrian living in Switzerland studied business administration and law at the university of Graz and at the Montclair State College in New Jersey and holds a masters degree in psychotherapeutic psychology from the Danube university Krems, Austria.