Athena Lam

Content Marketing

Twitter handle: @shenchingtou


Languages: English, Chinese

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: women in tech, diversity and inclusion, poc, lgbtiq

Services: Talk, Moderation, Consulting, Coaching

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Consumerism Now and in 10 Years

About this Event

*The panel will be an interactive format, so don’t forget to bring your questions!*

The event is hosted on Zoom:

There is no doubt our awareness for the impact of our purchasing decisions on the environment, our health and our life in general has increased tremendously. And good news is, conscious consumption has left its niche, went mainstream and found its way to supermarkets, retailers and online stores.

What comes next?

We want to take this opportunity to reflect on the current trends and shed light on the visions our B Corps have for the future of consumerism.

The guiding questions we have for the panel are:

Conscious & social consumption: just a term or philosophy?
What are the trends we currently see in conscious consumption and how do brands engage with them today?
How do brands and consumers work together to co- and re-create consumerism?
Where do brands see conscious consumption in 10 years and how do we get there?

Join our panel discussion to hear impact-oriented companies speak about their experiences and thoughts about conscious consumption and answer your questions.

PROGRAM – 60 min talk with:

Debritu Mogesse Lusteau, Founding Partner, Moyee Coffee
Verena Kolb, Senior Corporate Affairs Manager, Volvic
Christian Møller-Holst, CEO & Founder, Goodwings
Mattias Weser, Founder & Brand Manager, Kushel
other speakers to be announced

Moderated by Athena Lam, Content Strategy Consultant

This talk is in: English
Iterative Research for Relevant Innovations for IIEX Europe 2020

Speaker Slides here:

Talk summary: This piece is intended to opensource the ideas introduced in my presentation for IIeX Europe 2020 titled “Iterative Research for Relevant Innovation”, which won the Best New Speaker Award. This is an invitation for the market research industry to collaborate with UX researchers and designers. This piece brings together concepts from iterative product development and design thinking to suggest that researchers can afford to create smaller research modules — delivered in relevant waves — that feed more directly into decision making cycles.

This talk is in: English