Angelika Schwaff

Main focus: Communication

Twitter handle: @ichweisswo


Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: corporate blogging, influencer relations, corporate blogs, digital storytelling, blogging as a business


After earning a Master’s degree in Journalism and Communications, Angelika Schwaff went on to a successful career in radio and television journalism and communications.

Before becoming an entrepreneur, Angelika worked as Head of International Communication & Spokesperson at Germanwings (now Eurowings). Since 2012, she uses all of her experience to work as a consultant in blogger relations, social media, crisis communications and as a corporate content creator for the tourism industry. She has spoken at / or hosted international conferences such as ITB, TBEX, Blogst, the Hive, The Video Summit & the Social Travel Summit.

In 2012 she founded the Reiseblogger Kollektiv (German Travel Blogger Collective) to set professional standards in the German travel blogosphere. In the same year, Angelika became Chief Strategy Officer of iambassador, an international travel influencer agency.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Hosting the Social Travel Summit

Hosting the annual two day conference The Social Travel Summit (since 2014).

This talk is in: English
Hosting the Video Summit Leipzig

Hosting of the two day Conference "The Video Summit Leipzig"

This talk is in: English
Corporate Blogging Workshop for Visit Koeln / Urban CGN

Consulting Workshop for Visit Koeln to set up and plan its new corporate blog URBAN CGN.

This talk is in: German
Keynote Blogst 2015

Keynote for the Blogger Conference BLOGST 2015 in Cologne

This talk is in: German
Keynote or Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2014
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Keynote for Institute for Cultural Diplomacy: "Ready for 2014 - and the Future: How To Align Your Strategy With Current Travel Trend"

This talk is in: English
Impulsvortrag IHK Kölner Tourismusforum

Workshop Social Media und Bloggerrelations hausgemacht für das IHK Köln Tourismusforum

This talk is in: German
ITB Workshop: The Next Step

Hosting of a Workshop for the Tourism Industry of how PRs can work with Travel Bloggers

This talk is in: English
Hosting ITB Panel Discussion on Corporate Content Creation

Hosting a Panel Discussion with Tourism Marketing and PR Managers about how to creater corportae content with influencers

This talk is in: English
ITB Academy Webinar - Richtig mit Reisebloggern zusammenarbeiten
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In diesem ITB Academy Webinar geben professionelle deutsche Mitglieder vom Reiseblogger Kollektiv Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und Erfahrungen und verraten wichtige Tipps und Tricks, die für eine gelungene Kooperation zwischen beiden Seiten unabdingbar sind.

Referenten: Yvonne Zagermann & Angelika Schwaff (Reiseblogger Kollektiv)

This talk is in: German