Dr. Sabrina Lisi

Educational Scientist, Psychologist, Lecturer

Main focus: Hidden Resources & Resilience

Twitter handle: @sabrinalisiCH

Websites/blogs: sabrinalisi.ch , https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41255-022-00023-w , https://kurse-pz.bs.ch/kurs/0/diversit%C3%A4t-in-schulb%C3%BCchern-siwb-11957888/10363094

Languages: German, English, Italian

City: Basel

Canton: Basel

Country: Switzerland

Topics: education, representation, diversity, resilience, supervision

Services: Talk, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

Do explore! It is the answer to (almost) anything


Currently, I am the co-head of the professorship for educational psychology with focus on development and education ad interim at the PH FHNW. I lecture at the PH FHNW in teacher education at secondary level I & II and additionally teach the subject Psychology and Education at the Gymnasium. Furthermore, I completed my PhD at the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Basel with a thesis on resilience and educational equity. The conclusion of my research so far can be broken down to two findings: First, "resilience [is] understood primarily as a quality of the environment and only secondarily as a quality of the person trying to make the best of that environment [...]" (Ungar et al., 2013, p. 17) and second, equitable distribution of educational opportunities has not yet been achieved in Switzerland (Becker & Schoch, 2018) and continues to fail due to given school structures (Lisi, 2020).

Resource-rich environments (schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, etc.) are a key prerequisite for enabling resilience and greater equity.

Specifically, this means that, at their best, environments can provide opportunities to experience belonging, self-efficacy, esteem, and meaning in a variety of ways (Lisi, 2022).

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Examples of previous talks / appearances:

«mehr ist mehr – weshalb Vielfalt Resilienz begünstigt»

Jugendliche stärken – Resilienz als Thema in Schule und Beruf

Inputreferat: «mehr ist mehr – weshalb Vielfalt Resilienz begünstigt», Dr. Sabrina Lisi, Institut Sekundarstufe I und II, PH FHNW

Vielfalt ist gesellschaftliche Realität, besonders in der Schule: Sei es soziale, geschlechtliche, psychische, herkunftsbedingte, sexuelle Vielfalt und mehr. Je besser Lehrpersonen mit Vielfalt umgehen können, also über eine Art Diversitätskompetenz verfügen, desto eher können Schüler*innen gesund bleiben und Resilienz entwickeln. Mehr Diversitätskompetenz führt also zu resilienteren Kindern und Jugendlichen.

This talk is in: German
Gender & Diversity im musikpädagogischen und künstlerischen Kontext

Diversität in pädagogischen Kontexten, Podiumsdiskussion

This talk is in: German
Diversität, Inklusion & Transformation
Video Thumbnail

Diversitätssensible Lehre, Vortrag

This talk is in: German