Main focus: decolonize tourism
Websites/blogs: ,
Languages: German, English, Swahili
City: Munich
State: Bavaria
Country: Germany
Topics: erinnerungspolitik, tansania
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management
Willing to travel for an event.
I studied 'European Studies' at University Passau (Bachelor) and sociology and political science respectively 'conflicts in politics and society' at University Augsburg. For two years I worked as a One-World-Promoter in development education.
Now i do my PhD and write my thesis: a Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD) on (German) tourism in Tanzania with a focus on memory politics regarding colonial, postcolonial and decolonial places of memory . I am white, academized, woman and mother - this position implies both privilege and structural discrimination.
I work in the field of sustainable, privilege-conscious tourism and (post-)colonialism as well as voluntourism and north-south partnership. . For example, I gave workshops on the topic "With colonial greetings: about the privilege to travel" (2023 in Leipzig, 2018 in Augsburg and Erlangen, 2017 in Nuremberg) or moderated events (2022 online event of GATE - Netzwerk Tourismus Kultur e.V. in Cooperation with Tourism Watch on neocolonialism in tourism, 2022 reading "How did Jesus become white? My dream of a church without racism" by Sarah Vecera, or 2022 World University (Mission EineWelt) "Can we still be saved? Climate change and justice").
I co-founded "Augsburg Postkolonial" and am involved in the board of the nationwide "Tanzania Network e.V." .