Main focus: Unconscious Bias
Languages: German, English
City: Munich
State: Bavaria
Country: Germany
Topics: recruiting, inclusive leadership, ki, remote leadership
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
I talk about unconscious biases in the evaluation of people, what influence this has on companies, leadership and recruiting, and I like to prove this with exciting studies. I want to establish people-centered and appreciative leadership and promote innovation. I also give talks and workshops on strengthening the self-image and self-confidence of HR departments.
Sandra Zemke has a degree in business informatics and, after almost 20 years working as a project manager and IT executive in DAX companies, founded anonyfy to transform the world of recruiting, make it fairer, and finally bring real diversity to companies.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Es gibt im Recruiting zahlreiche, wissenschaftlich nachgewiesene Effekte, die Ihre Personalentscheidung beeinflussen. Es werden Studienergebnisse vorgestellt, die zeigen, wo an den verschiedenen Stellen des Recruiting-Prozesses Verzerrungen entstehen. Außerdem wird darauf eingegangen, worin die Ursachen liegen, und was getan werden kann, um den Prozess konkret zu verbessern.
This talk is in: German
We talk about:
Sandras leadership journey from an IT project manager motivating people in a big matrix organisation without a hierarchical responsibility to her first leadership role managing right away 25 team members spread across 3 countries.
Concrete tips for first-time leaders on how to structure your routines between operational topics as well as leadership responsibilities enabling all of your team members time with you
What supported her in this challenge: the importance of sponsors, peer support and how a coaching and team development workshops at the beginning helped her to have more impact.
Sandra’s leadership style is very much focused on strengths which impacts how she tackles also “challenging” team members with authenticity
Lastly, we speak about what Sandra does for her own development as leader and what being brave and actively contacting possible C-level mentors via LinkedIn has to do with it!
Was Diversität wirklich bedeutet
Wie sieht ein von vorne bis hinten anonymisierter Bewerbungsprozess aus und ist das dann fair und valide?
Potenzial wichtiger als Skills: Warum Qualifikationen und Berufserfahrung nicht die wichtigsten Kriterien sein dürfen
WE WANT YOU. Wie spreche ich als offenes und diverses Unternehmen die perfekten Kandidaten an?
Ende der Komfortzone – warum der „unangenehmste Bewerbungskandidat“ meist die beste Bereicherung für das Team ist