Christina Bergmann

Recruiting and Talent Management

Main focus: Open Science

Languages: Dutch, English, German

City: Osnabrück, Germany

State: Lower Saxony

Country: Germany

Topics: computational linguistics, open science, cognitive science, large scale collaborations, meta science, language acquisition, hidden curriculum, infancy

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

Science is supposed to make universally valid statements, but does not reflect the diverse perspectives and experiences of humanity. Therefore, one goal of open science must be to promote participation, both as a scientist and in citizen science. In various interrelated projects and, more recently, in my job as an internal recruiter for future professors, I am tackling precisely this issue.

On (founded with Dr. Olivia Guest), people who belong to underrepresented minorities in cognitive modeling can register. The low-threshold service empowers people to network and increase the visibility of their work.

ManyBabies is a grassroots project that benefits enormously from the diversity of participants and researchers and actively promotes both. Sharing knowledge on an equal footing is key and together we develop best practices for infant research, for example regarding documentation and data processing. Innovation in the form of (automated) web-based data collection is another tool for promoting diversity in ManyBabies, as it allows more researchers and participants to take part.
Within seven years, we have gained over 490 active members and completed a study with more than 2000 participating infants (The ManyBabies Consortium, 2020), with seven more projects on the way, three of which are web-based.

MetaLab (the idea was developed with Prof. Sho Tsuji and Prof. Alejandrina Cristia) shows how the current state of research on questions regarding early development can be extracted from the often inaccessible specialized literature. Data are visualized and can be downloaded anonymously. This completely new approach has already been taken up and implemented in other areas (including the Leibniz Institute of Psychology). The long-term goal is to provide all stakeholders with access to the current state of knowledge - i.e. all relevant studies - on a topic and to provide information in a format that supports and facilitates evidence-based decisions.

All of these projects are united by the theme of innovation for diversity and participation, so that creating and sharing knowledge is made possible for everyone equally, including those who may not even believe that science is for them.


I currently work as a recruiter and talent manager at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, where I continue to pursue my goal of a more open, transparent science. In this role, I support potential future professors - including those who may not yet have discovered this career path for themselves.

At the same time, I am a guest researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, where I worked as a senior researcher and head of the Innovation Team until 2022. During this time, I led various projects; for example, the transition from paper questionnaires to web-based surveys, language acquisition and screen use surveys in 12 countries during the first COVID-19 lockdown, and innovative methods for measuring language processing in young children and across the lifespan.

Before that, I worked in Paris at the Ecole normale supérieure, funded by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, among others. Here I researched early language acquisition and the role of variable input, using the interplay of computer models and behavioral data. At the same time, I founded the Paris chapter of R-Ladies with Dr. Page Piccinini. MetaLab was also founded at this time, and ManyBabies was launched shortly afterwards.

My dissertation, defended on 07.07.2014 at the Radboud University Nijmegen, dealt with computer simulations of early language acquisition and thus laid the foundation for my work in Paris.

Before that, I studied cognitive neuroscience (M.Sc.) in Nijmegen and cognitive science (B.Sc.) in Osnabrück.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Open Science Workshop am Interacting Minds Center Aarhus: Can developmental science provide some practical solutions to improve transparency?
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Abstract - Developmental scientists face unique hurdles to reproducibility - in addition to those highlighted for hypothesis-testing experimental research more generally: We work with an (often) uncooperative population which is difficult to test and recruit, which in turn leads to noisy measures and small sample sizes. To make matters more intransparent, much of the raw data (video and audio recordings in particular, but also many questionnaire responses) are sensitive and thus cannot easily be shared. At the same time, and possibly because of those challenges, developmental scientists have (partially) embraced transparency (see e.g. for decades worth of open data, or more recently,, and A consequence are unique solutions to our hurdles, which may also be of interest to other experimental researchers. One example among those I will discuss are "walkthrough videos" to provide detailed documentation of the procedure in the absence of sharing actual recordings of experiments. Such videos can be highly valuable, for example for teaching and to uncover systematic methodological variation.

This talk is in: English
Research Synthesis 2019 Keynote: Dynamically aggregating evidence in community-augmented meta-analyses.
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Eine Keynote im Mai 2019, die die Idee der Community-Augmented Meta-Analyses, implementiert unter anderem in MetaLab, beschreibt.

This talk is in: English
Podcast #ForscherinnenFreitag der Plattform #InnovativeFrauen: Wie kann Forschung zukunftsorientiert gestaltet werden?

Hier beschreibe ich in einem kurzen Interview sowohl meine Arbeit als Recruiterin als auch für offene Wissenschaft und den Rote Faden Transparenz, der sich durch all meine verschiedenen Projekte zieht.

This talk is in: German
Online Seminars in Psycholinguistics: Towards transparent, cumulative psycholinguistics
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Eine Kombination aus Open Science und meiner Psycholinguistischen Forschung.

Abstract: Transparency and cumulative thinking are key ingredients for a more robust foundation for experimental studies and theorizing. Empirical sciences have long faced criticism for some of the statistical tools they use and the overall approach to experimentation – a debate that has in the last decade gained momentum in the context of the “replicability crisis.” Many solutions were proposed, from open data, code, and materials – rewarded with badges – over preregistration to a shift away from focusing on p values. There are a host of options to choose from; but how can we pick the right existing and emerging tools and techniques to improve transparency, aggregate evidence, and work together? I will discuss answers fitting my own work on language acquisition spanning empirical (including large-scale), computational, and meta-scientific studies, with a focus on strategies to see each study for what it is: A single brushstroke of a larger picture. My goal is, in all these efforts, to better understand how the lexicon develops across the life span – with an emphasis on early development.

This talk is in: English
Vortrag beim Italian Reproducibility Network: Collaborating across time and space: How to get a large dataset together
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Ein remote Vortrag im April 2022 zum Thema Zusammenarbeit und Open Data.

This talk is in: English
ManyBabies: A large-scale replication effort with hard-to-reach and test populations by Christina Bergmann, Melanie Soderstrom & ManyBabies Governing Board
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Vorstellung des ManyBabies Projektes auf einer Konferenz zur wissenschaftlichen Kollaboration, der PSACon 2021.

This talk is in: English
DLF Kultur Beitrag zum Thema Kindersprache

Anlässlich einer Metastudie zum Thema Kindersprache ( unterhielt ich mich mit Christine Westerhaus darüber, warum wir dazu tendieren, mit Babys über "dudu" und "dada" zu sprechen.

This talk is in: German