Main focus: Data Storytelling
Websites/blogs: , ,
Languages: English, German
City: Duesseldorf
State: North Rhine-Westphalia
Country: Germany
Topics: project management, leadership, presentation techniques, women in stem, intercultural competence, data storytelling, delegation
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
My mission is to free the world from poor PowerPoint presentations!
Especially in times of digitalization, we are inundated with data. Being able to read and evaluate this data is only the first part of data literacy that companies must introduce to develop their data culture. A very essential part of data literacy deals with communicating data insights to an audience that may not be experts in the field. In this context, these data are in direct competition in the audience's brain with information overload and sensory overload.
Data Storytelling finds a way out of this conflict and thus becomes the vehicle on the fast lane of the data highway into the brain.
In my keynotes and workshops, I use practical examples to explain what Data Storytelling is and why it is becoming increasingly important in our professional everyday life. I provide simple instructions in training on how to find your data story and explain why PowerPoint is usually not the real problem in communication.
Feel free to contact me about your topics without any obligation.
In 2022, Friederike Oehlerking founded Lückenkrach, a consulting firm specializing in Data Storytelling. The announcement of her mission to free the world from poor PowerPoint presentations garnered significant interest on social media, and since then, she has been creating content on LinkedIn. Friederike co-hosts the podcast "Chefin ruft an" with two other women, aiming to break down barriers for young women in pursuing leadership roles, and has been actively supporting women in STEM fields for years. She studied Business Administration and Engineering and worked for 17 years at a major German technology corporation, both domestically and internationally. After many years as a commercial and technical project manager for large plant construction projects, she most recently served as the global head of commercial project management for the compressor new machinery business. In this role, she was often the only woman in the room when it came to making business strategy decisions based on her analyses. Here too, she was able to persuade with data and inspire with stories.
Her book "Convincing with Data, Inspiring with Stories - Data Storytelling in Project Management" is set to be published by Springer Verlag in 2024 (in German language).
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Alle kennen die Situation, dass ein Präsentation trotz aller Vorbereitung nicht genau das rüberbringt, was eigentlich geplant war. Damit das in Zukunft nicht mehr so häufig passiert, können Präsentierende auf Data Storytelling setzen.
Zu diesem Thema sprechen wir mit Friederike Oehlerking, der Gründerin von Lückenkrach ( und einer der Hosts des Podcasts Chefin ruft an ( Sie erzählt von ihrem bisherigen Werdegang, wie sie zu dem Thema gekommen ist und warum Powerpoint nicht das eigentliche Problem ist.
This talk is in: German
Friederike Oehlerking is an expert in Data Storytelling. She has worked for almost two decades in the corporate world. During her time at Siemens, she has seen how data was used to make decisions for mayor projects and has identified numerous issues. Now she is an independent consultant and founder of Lueckenkrach, where she consults companies how to effectively use data to convey a specific message. In this episode, Friederike tells about her experience and gives advise on how anybody can become better at communicating with data.
This talk is in: English
Hallo und herzlich willkommen bei "Chefin ruft an", der Podcast von und für mutige Frauen in der Rushhour der Führungsetage.
Christin Kohnke, Dr. Verena Klapdor und Friederike Oehlerking unterhalten sich alle 2 Wochen über Themen, die Menschen in Führungspositionen oder solchen, die dort hinkommen wollen, interessieren. Sie bringen unterschiedliche Hintergründe und Ansichten zusammen: aus der HR Abteilung, dem Engineering und Projektmanagement, aus Konzernen, Start-ups und der Selbständigkeit und aus unterschiedlich gewählten Lebensmodellen. Aber immer mit einem humorvollen Blick und einer authentischen Sprache.
Freut Euch auf unterhaltsame Geschichten aus ihrem Berufsalltag gesprenkelt mit wissenschaftlichen Fakten.
This talk is in: German
Der FTAfelicitas-Preis des Femtec.Alumnae e.V. soll die Frauenförderung in MINT-Berufen beschleunigen. Der Preis soll nicht nur die Preisträger:innen würdigen, sondern Mädchen und jungen Frauen bewusst machen, dass Frauen und Technik durchaus gut zusammen passen. Felicitas ist eine römische Göttin, deren Name sich ableitet vom lateinischen Adjektiv felix, das für Glück und Erfolg steht. Felicitas galt im alten Rom als Schutzgöttin siegreicher Truppen und stellt heute ein Symbol für die Tatkraft moderner Frauen dar.
This talk is in: German