Main focus: Global Retail Trends
Twitter handle: @Denise_Klug
Languages: German, English
City: Frankfurt
Topics: discounter, fmcg, convenience, global retail trends, private label
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
Denise Klug is an editor with German retail newspaper Lebensmitte Zeitung. She is the head of the Technology and Logistics department. Prior to her role as a journalist, she was the head of Lebensmittel Zeitung's international team of Senior Retail Analysts. Denise speaks regularly at various international retail conferences.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Organised by Marketinggesellschaft der Agrar- und Ernnährungswirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. in Rostock-Warnemünde
Topic: Der Lebensmittel-Einzelhandel im Umbruch - zwischen Amazon, supermarktisierten Discountern und verpassten Chancen auf der Kleinfläche (Together with Matthias Queck)
Organised by Bord Bia in Dublin, Ireland
Topic: The German Retail Landscape
Organised by Lebensmittel Zeitung in Kaisheim, Germany
Topic: Preiseinstieg am Ende? ('The end of price entry?')
Organised by PLMA in Hamburg, Germany
Topic: German Retailing Today
Organised by Trace One in London, UK.
Topic: Private Label in the Age of Supermarketisation and Digitalisation
Organised by Flexible Packaging Europe in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Topic: Trends and Strategies of the German Grocery Retail Market
Organised by Agentur für Lebensmittel-Produkte aus Bayern in Munich, Germany.
Topic: Wie Amazon Fresh den Lebensmittel-Einzelhandel aufmischt (How Amazon Fresh shakes up the grocery retail environment)
Organised by Conference Group, Frankfurt.
Topic: Bio, Beauty & Beyond – Eigenmarkentrends aus aller Welt, rund um Schönheit und gesunde Ernährung
Organised by The Conference Group in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Topic: Private Label Landscape: Consumer Trust & Transparency
Organised by Blue Business Media, Warsaw.
Topic: March of the Discounters - An overview of European value formats
Organised by Conference Group, Frankfurt.
Topic: Licensing and Private Label – Märkte, Trends und Wachstumschancen im europäischen Markt
At the Licensing Academy of BLE in London, UK.
Topic: European Retail Trends and Opportunities
Organised by ECRM in Cannes, France.
Topic: Global H&B Trends
Organised by ECRM in Cannes, France.
Topic: Global H&B Trends
Organised by The Conference Group in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Topic: European H&B trends
Retail Conference organised by IMH in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Topic: The latest trends in European FMCG retailing