Raphaela Guimarães Petermann

Business storyteller & Digital Strategist

Main focus: Business Storytelling

Websites/blogs: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raphaelaguimaraes/ , https://www.xing.com/profile/Raphaela_GuimaraesPetermann/cv

Languages: German, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish

City: Stuttgart

State: Baden-Wuerttemberg

Country: Germany

Topics: influencer marketing, mentoring, user experience, digital strategy, social media, social media marketing, e-commerce, digital communication, social commerce, social shopping

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Passionated brand strategist and business storyteller with large know-how in digital experience management.

Experience in the set-up of teams and data-driven e-commerce, digital branding and CRM projects of different levels (SMB to Fortune 500). Design of transmedia, digital influencers and marketing growth strategies.

Leadership with heart and purpose. Passion for working with teams based on inclusion and genuine engagement.

Strategic, managerial and analytical skills. Futurist+Design thinker with sharp eyes for trends and ability to translate them into implementable concepts. Engagement of customers, users and other business stakeholders towards action and change.

Academic researcher with BSc, MSc and MBA degrees earned in 3 different continents/languages (Brazil, Germany and USA) - currently enrolled in Doctoral studies (UK).