Tamara Loewenstein

Curator, Cultural Producer and Educator

Main focus: Jewish Empowerment + Futurism

Website/blog: www.tamaraloewenstein.com

Languages: English, German

City: Hamburg

State: Hamburg

Country: Germany

Topics: holocaust, feminism, holocaust memorials, jewish, shoah, jewish futurism

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.


Loewenstein (she/her) has worked at the intersection between the arts, education and social justice for more than a decade. Her practice weaves together history, identity, and political activism with a focus on trauma and memory. Her current work focuses on Jewish empowerment and futurism in the German context.

In Germany and online, Loewenstein teaches and offers workshops on Holocaust memorial culture and Postmemory and the Holocaust.

Loewenstein’s current project Die nächsten 1700 Jahre: Queer Jewish Futures looks forward towards a reimagined Jewish future in Germany. Through a series of conversations, the project engages in a critical and overdue dialogue with queer and Jewish artists, activists, writers, and magic makers throughout Germany and across the diaspora.

Loewenstein received a MA in Curatorial Practice from the California College of the Arts and a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the New College of California.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Living archives – Wissen, Gedenken & Denkmäler dekolonisieren
Video Thumbnail

Kein Schlussstrich: WARUM WIR KÄMPFEN,

The symposium WHY WE FIGHT looks at a history of resistance and resilience in Germany against right-wing violence – from the perspective of survivors, families of victims and those affected, as well as initiatives. Honouring the activists who came before us, the activists who are now, and the activists who are yet to come, WHY WE FIGHT brings together the voices of those who have been fighting for urgent change within politics and parliaments, the judiciary and police, and civil society for decades. Through solidarity, remembrance and an unshakeable belief in a better future - for the city of Hamburg and for every city in Germany. In the symposium there will be lectures, discussions, opportunities for networking and allying in protected spaces, artistic and empowerment workshops, drinking tea together and music, with many activists from Hamburg and other cities.


Living archives – Wissen, Gedenken & Denkmäler dekolonisieren

Who actually determines what "German history" is, who can tell it and why is only history what ends up in a museum or on the street as a monument? We are not only what was once carved in white stone. And history is not only what someone once wrote in a book and then closed it. Why didn't we learn anything in history classes about the racist and anti-Semitic violence in Hamburg and Germany after 1945 and about the self-organised resistance against it? Our guests are multipliers from the most diverse fields of critical remembrance culture and fight to ensure that marginalised and invisible stories are told critically, feminist, queer, diverse and intersectional "from below" and that monuments remain alive.

This talk is in: English
Queer Jewish Futures in conversation with Cleo Kempe Towers aka Emotional Labor Queen

Queer B-Cademy, Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany (2021)

Anlässlich des 1700-jährigen Jubiläums jüdischen Lebens in Deutschland richtet das Projekt Die nächsten 1700 Jahre: Queer Jewish Futures (2021 QJF) den Blick nach vorne, weg von den Tropen des Antisemitismus und der Erinnerungskultur, und wendet sich einer neu gedachten, jüdischen Zukunft. In einer Serie von Instagram Live-Talks werden kritische und längst überfällige Gespräche mit queeren und jüdischen Künstler:innen, Aktivist:innen, Schriftsteller:innen und Zaubermeister:innen aus der gesamten deutschen Diaspora geführt.

In der Eröffnungsepisode tauchen Tamara Loewenstein und Cleo Kempe Towers in ihre Erfahrungswelten als queere Jüd*innen der Diaspora in Deutschland. Dabei schöpfen sie aus Towers’ künstlerischer Praxis und der beliebten Podcast-Serie “Emotional Labour Queen” und betrachten die Schnittstellen zwischen Astrologie, Diasporismus, Futurismus, Queerness und jüdischer Identität durch die Linse der Femme-Power, Solidarität und Heilung.

Learn more at @queerjewishfutures on Instagram

This talk is in: English